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Scheduled Payments - User Policy Permission

Use the User Policy permission to specify the actions a user can take when scheduling or modifying a payment on an account. For more information, Arrangements.


In the Navigation pane, click Applications > Liquid Latitude > Account Data > Scheduled Payments > User Policy.


This permission is available for the following scopes:

  • System

  • Role

  • User

  • Branch


The policy allows your organization to specify the actions a user can take when creating or modifying scheduled payments. Enable the permission for a scope and then specify the settings.

Allow user to bypass business rules when scheduling or editing payments: If selected, the user can bypass the payment business rules.

Allow user to suppress surcharge assessment on new arrangements: If selected, the user can remove the surcharge on a new arrangement.

Allow Updating of Scheduled Payments entered by Other Users: If selected, allows the user to modify scheduled payments that other users created.

Allow User to Update Their Own Scheduled Payments: If selected, allows the user to modify scheduled payments that the user created.

Allow Updating of Scheduled Payments Hold Flag: If selected, allows the user to place a scheduled payment on hold and release the hold.

Maximum Total Number of Scheduled Payments (0 = unlimited): Maximum number of scheduled payments allowed. If blank or zero, there is no maximum limit.

Allow saving Payment Instrument to Wallet: If selected, allows the user to save a payment instrument to a customer's wallet.

Allow deleting Payment Instrument from Wallet: If selected, allows the user to delete a payment instrument from a customer's wallet.

Allow lookup of previously used Payment Instruments not saved in Wallet: If selected, allows the user to look up payment instruments previously used on an account and not saved to a customer's wallet.

% Allowed Below Minimum: Percent below the minimum settlement amount allowed before requiring supervisor approval.

Related Topics

Search for a Permission or System Code

Set a Permission and Policy

Scheduled Payments Settings

Account Data Settings

Liquid Latitude Settings

Application Settings

Permissions and Policies