
Modify a State Restriction

Use the State Restriction dialog box to modify a state restriction.

To modify a state restriction

  1. In the Navigation pane, click System Codes and Settings > General Settings > State Restriction.

State Restriction panel

  1. Click the Edit icon. The State Restriction dialog box appears.

State Restriction dialog box

State Abbreviation: Unique code that identifies the state.

State Name: Full name of the state.

Max Collection Cost: Maximum collection cost percent the state allows. You can configure the client record to allow agents to override this percent for customers residing in the state.

License Status: Optional place to store licensing information.

Advisory: Advisory information to print on letters for customers residing in the state. The system inserts this information in letters when you include the State_Legal_Advisory merge field in the letter body.  

Warning: Warning information to display in the Warnings dialog box for customers residing in the state.

Restrict Letters: If selected, the state restricts the letters you can send to customers residing in the state.

Permit a Wage Garnishment: If selected, the state allows administrative wage garnishment.

Permit Surcharge: If selected, the state allows collection of surcharges for customers residing in the state. If cleared, the surcharge option isn't available when creating payment arrangements.

  1. Modify the information and then click Save.

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State Restriction