
Modify Patient Information

Use the Patient Information tab in the Medical panel to modify patient information for the account.

To modify patient information

  1. In the Reference Panel navigation bar, click Available Panels and then click Medical.

  2. Click the Patient Information tab.

Patient Information tab - Medical panel

Name: Patient's name.

Address: Patient's street address line 1, line 2, city, state, postal code, county, and country.

Patient ID: Code that the medical facility assigned to identify the patient.

Admission Date: Date the medical facility admitted the patient.

Service Date: Date the patient received medical care.

Discharge Date: Date the medical facility discharged the patient.

Patient Type: Code assigned during the registration or admission process to identify the type of patient (for example, emergency or day surgery).

Accident Date: Date the patient had an accident that required medical attention.

Accident Type: Type of accident that the patient had.

Place of Service Code: Code that identifies the place that rendered service to the patient.

Procedure Code: Code that identifies the medical procedure that the patient received.

Financial Class: Code that identifies the patient's primary insurance to bill first for services.

Servicing Provider Code: Code that identifies the health care provider.

Import Procedures: Code that identifies a specific surgical, medical, or diagnostic intervention.

Location Code: Code that identifies the location where the patient received medical care.

Modifier: Code that identifies a medical service or procedure.

SSN: Patient's social security number.

Gender: Patient's gender.

DOB: Patient's date of birth.

Age: Patient's age.

Phone: Patient's phone number.

Marital Status: Patient's marital status.

Employer: Name of patient's employer.

Work Phone: Patient's work phone number.

Patient Relation to Guarantor: Patient's relationship to the person guaranteeing payment for medical care.

Additional Information: More information regarding the patient.

Diagnosis Code 1-3: Code that identifies the patient's medical diagnosis.

  1. Modify the information and then click Save.

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