
Work Queues

Use the queue panels to open a work queue and begin working accounts in the order that Latitude presents them. Queues only include accounts flagged as "should queue." They don't include non-driver linked accounts, but they do include their account balances in the totals for the driver account that appears in the queue. While you have an account open, the status bar displays the number of accounts in the queue.

The following queues are available, depending on your permissions:

  • Collector queue: Contains accounts assigned to a queue level that is less than 599. The Collector queue sorts accounts within each desk by the queue date (oldest to newest) and then within each queue date by the queue level (lowest to highest). Users specify the desk (their own or with permissions, another user's desk) of accounts to work and can limit the accounts to a specific client or all clients. Users then open the Collector queue for all the filtered accounts, only the filtered accounts for a specific queue date, or only the filtered accounts for a specific queue date and queue level.

  • Custom queue: Contains accounts assigned to queue levels 425-499 that require a specific type of work (for example, skip tracing). The Custom queue sorts accounts by queue level from lowest to highest. Users open the Custom queue for accounts with a specific queue level.

  • Clerical queue: Contains accounts assigned to queue levels 600-699 that require clerical support (for example, verification of a direct payment). The Clerical queue sorts accounts by queue level from lowest to highest. Users open the Clerical queue for accounts with a specific queue level.

  • Supervisor queue: Contains accounts assigned to queue levels 700-799 that require supervisor support (for example, approval of a payment arrangement). The Supervisor queue sorts accounts by queue level from lowest to highest. Users open the Supervisor queue for accounts with a specific queue level.

Related Topics

Open the Collector Queue

Open the Custom Queue

Open the Clerical Queue

Open the Supervisor Queue

Open the Pool Queue

Close a Work Queue

Queue Level Codes

Change Continue Queuing Setting Permission

Queue Providers Permission

Require Note on Account Permission