
  • Contents

Wallet Items

Use the Wallet tab in the Payment Instrument dialog box to prevent adding expired credit card details, setup payments past the expiry date of credit card and many more.

To prevent adding expired Credit Card details

  1. In the Task Panel navigation tree, do one of the following:

    • Click Payments.

    • Click Arrangements.

  1. Click the Wallet icon next to the Method list box. The Payment Instrument dialog box appears.

Type: Card type

Account Number: Card Account number

Payer: Party on the account who arranged the payment.

Expires: Card expiry date

Next Scheduled Payment: Next payment date

Created By: Name of the creator

Created When: Date when it is created

  1. Click Add tab.


  1. In the confirmation dialog box, click Yes.

Related Topics

Payment Instruments


Delete a Wallet Item

Edit a Wallet Item