Fax Envelope History Table

Fax Envelope History Table

The Fax Envelope History table records all fax attempts made in the CIC system. The attempts can either be successful or fail to transmit the fax. Each fax is tracked by its envelope ID, call ID and fax ID. The envelope ID is an identifier for the person receiving the fax. It is possible to send the same fax to several different locations. The same fax to several different locations would result in several records with the same fax ID and different envelope IDs. Each time the system attempts to receive or send a fax, a call ID is created. The call ID recorded for each fax attempt will match the call IDs in the call detail log table.

The system will attempt to send faxes as long as the attempt count is less or equal to the retry count. When the attempt count becomes greater that the retry count, the system will no longer attempt to transmit the fax. Each fax will start with one attempt, plus the number of retries.

It should be noted that this log is automatically activated, but data will only be logged if there is a fax card set up in the system.

Physical Attributes

Log Identifier Log Name Table Name


Fax Envelope History Log


Column Definitions

Column Data Type (Size) Is Nullable Contains PII Description Last Change Version Last Change Reason CX Insights Name CX Insights Type CX Insights Folder Name
EnvelopeId bigint False No

An identifier for the fax envelope. Each received or sent fax number will have its own envelope ID. IC-144421
EnvelopeTimeStamp int False No

A time stamp for the envelope ID. The EnvelopeTimeStamp is used with the Envelope ID to create a unique value over time. This timestamp cannot be translated into any usable real world date or time. 4.0 Release
FaxId bigint False No

An identifier for the fax. Each fax received or sent will have a fax ID. It is possible for the same fax to have multiple envelope IDs if sent to multiple recipients. IC-144421
FaxTimeStamp int False No

A time stamp for the fax ID. The Fax Time Stamp is used with the Fax ID to create a unique value over time. This timestamp cannot be translated into any usable real world date or time. 4.0 Release
CallIdKey char (18) False No

An identifier for the call ID used to receive or make the fax attempt. This identifier should be equal to the Call ID in the CallDetail log.

Note The format and use of this field is reserved, and it should not be used as anything more than an opaque identifier. The format of this field might be changed at any time. This field is documented for descriptive purposes only. 4.0 Release
ProcessingDateTime datetime False No

The date and time that the fax was processed. 4.0 Release
ProcessingDateTimeGmt datetime False No

The date and time that the fax was processed adjusted to Greenwich Mean Time 4.0 Release
SuccessFlag char (1) False No

Indicates whether the fax transmission was a success or a failure. F = failure and S = success. 4.0 Release
RemoteCSId varchar (50) True Potentially

The station ID of the remote fax machine. This is the fax machine that is external to the CIC system. 4.0 Release
RemoteNumber varchar (50) True No

The fax number of the remote fax machine. This is the fax machine that is external to the CIC system. 4.0 Release
T30 varchar (50) True No

Fax specific addressing. This information will be specific to the fax machine and contains the T.30 string sent from the remote fax machine or sent by the CIC system. 4.0 Release
PortName nvarchar (50) True No

The CIC port name where the fax was processed. 4.0 Release
PortNumber int False No

The CIC port number where the fax was processed 4.0 Release
Duration int False No

The length of the transmission expressed in seconds 4.0 Release
Speed int False No

The speed of the transmission expressed in BPS 4.0 Release
PageCount int False No

The number of pages transmitted. 4.0 Release
ErrorInfo nvarchar (1024) True No

Internal CIC errors on why faxes failed to transmit. This includes driver and TS errors. 4.0 Release
SignalQuality int False No

The quality of the fax transmission expressed as unit/range specific to the fax hardware used in the transmission and might not be provided with all fax hardware. 4.0 Release
SignalStrength int False No

The strength of the signal expressed as unit/range specific to the fax hardware used in the transmission and may not be provided with all fax hardware. 4.0 Release
LineNoise int False No

The amount of line noise expressed as unit/range specific to the fax hardware used in the transmission and might not be provided with all fax hardware. 4.0 Release
Header varchar (128) True Depends on customer usage

Transmitting Fax Only: The header information at the top of each fax. 4.0 Release
SendWhen int False No

Transmitting Fax Only: A flag indicating when the fax will be transmitted. 0 = ASAP, 1 = Scheduled Time, and 2 = Cheap hours. 4.0 Release
CheapBeginDateTime datetime False No

Transmitting Fax Only: The beginning of the off or cheap hours. This information is only present if SendWhen = 2. 4.0 Release
CheapEndDateTime datetime False No

Transmitting Fax Only: The end of the off or cheap hours. This information is only present if SendWhen = 2. 4.0 Release
ScheduledDateTime datetime False No

Transmitting Fax Only: Scheduled time to send fax. This information is only present if SendWhen = 1. 4.0 Release
Retries int False No

Transmitting Fax Only: Number of retries requested for the fax. Each fax, by default, will have one attempt. The first attempt is not included in the retry number. 4.0 Release
RetryDelay int False No

Transmitting Fax Only: The number of seconds between fax attempts. 4.0 Release
SubmitDateTime datetime False No

The date and time that the fax was submitted to the CIC system for processing. The SubmitDateTime will match the ProcessingDatetime for incoming faxes. 4.0 Release
SenderName nvarchar (50) True Yes

Transmitting Fax Only: The CIC User ID of the user who submitted the fax for processing. 4.0 Release
NotifyOnSuccess int False No

Transmitting Fax Only: This value will be 1 if the sender is to be notified on successful fax transmission. By default the value is zero. 4.0 Release
SuccessAddress varchar (1024) True No

Transmitting Fax Only: If NotifyOnSuccess = 1, then this is the e-mail address of the person/persons to be notified of successful fax transmission. 4.0 Release
NotifyOnFailure int False No

Transmitting Fax Only: This value will be 1 if the sender is to be notified on failed fax transmissions. By default the value is zero. 4.0 Release
FailureAddress varchar (1024) True Yes

Transmitting Fax Only: If NotifyOnSuccess = 1, then this is the email address of the person/persons to be notified of failed fax transmissions. 4.0 Release
FailureAttempts int False No

Transmitting Fax Only: The number of the fax attempt. When the number of FailureAttempts is greater than the Retries, the fax is considered to be failed. 4.0 Release
FailureType int False No

Transmitting Fax Only: The reason the fax failed to transmit. 1 = Busy, 2 = No Answer, 3 = No Remote Fax Detected, and 4 = Unknown. 0 = Successful Transmission 4.0 Release
MaxBPS int False No

Transmitting Fax Only: The maximum allowed BPS. This value can be set by the sender. 4.0 Release
DeviceGroup nvarchar (50) True Depends on customer usage

Transmitting Fax Only: The user requested device group to be used to transmit the fax. In IA, you can create named groups of fax stations.

For example, imagine this scenario that has 4 fax stations, which are used for two purposes: First to handle normal inbound/outbound daily faxing, and second to handle large fax broadcasts to thousands of users.

Without fax groups, a fax broadcast to thousands of users would tie up all the fax stations for hours or days and your normal inbound/outbound faxing would be down. In this case you could, for example, create a fax group called FaxBroadcast which includes only two of the fax stations and set this fax group name on each broadcast fax. This will restrict the faxes to using only stations included in the group. 4.0 Release
CoverPageName nvarchar (50) True Depends on customer usage

Transmitting Fax Only: The name of the type of cover page used, such as Confidential, Fax1, Fax2. 4.0 Release
ToCompany nvarchar (50) True Depends on customer usage

Transmitting Fax Only: The name of the company of the fax recipient as entered on the cover page. 4.0 Release
ToName nvarchar (50) True Depends on customer usage

Transmitting Fax Only: The name of the fax recipient 4.0 Release
ToVoicePhone nvarchar (50) True Depends on customer usage

Transmitting Fax Only: The telephone number of the fax recipient. 4.0 Release
FromName nvarchar (50) True Depends on customer usage

Transmitting Fax Only: The name of the fax sender as entered on the cover page. This name can be different from the SenderName as this name is not system driven, but entered by the sender. 4.0 Release
FromFaxPhone nvarchar (50) True Depends on customer usage

Transmitting Fax Only: The fax number of the sender as entered on the cover page. 4.0 Release
FromVoicePhone nvarchar (50) True Depends on customer usage

Transmitting Fax Only: The phone number of the sender as entered on the cover page. 4.0 Release
FromCompany nvarchar (50) True Depends on customer usage

Transmitting Fax Only: The name of the sending company as entered by the sender on the cover page. 4.0 Release
FaxComment nvarchar (1024) True Depends on customer usage

Transmitting Fax Only: Any comments entered by the sender for the fax. 4.0 Release
LocalCSId nvarchar (50) True No

The station ID of the internal (CIC) fax machine. This is the fax machine that is internal to the CIC system. 4.0 Release
I3TimeStampGMT datetime False No

The system supplied date and time of when the row was added or inserted into the table. 4.0 Release
SiteId smallint False No

Site identifier of the source for this record. Used in multi-site installations to distinguish the origin of the record. Configured when setting up CIC. 4.0 Release
SubSiteId smallint False No

Not used in this release. The purpose of this field is to divide use within a site, such as for multiple independent companies on one CIC system. Until CIC has such functionality, this field is zero and is reserved for future use. 4.0 Release
Direction tinyint False No

The direction of the fax. 1 = incoming and 0 = outgoing. 4.0 Release
SubmitDateTimeGMT datetime False No

The Greenwich Mean Time of Submit Date/Time 4.0 Release
Column Data Type (Size) Is Nullable Contains PII Description Last Change Version Last Change Reason CX Insights Name CX Insights Type CX Insights Folder Name
EnvelopeId number False No

An identifier for the fax envelope. Each received or sent fax number will have its own envelope ID. 4.0 Release
EnvelopeTimeStamp number False No

A time stamp for the envelope ID. The EnvelopeTimeStamp is used with the Envelope ID to create a unique value over time. This timestamp cannot be translated into any usable real world date or time. 4.0 Release
FaxId number False No

An identifier for the fax. Each fax received or sent will have a fax ID. It is possible for the same fax to have multiple envelope IDs if sent to multiple recipients. 4.0 Release
FaxTimeStamp number False No

A time stamp for the fax ID. The Fax Time Stamp is used with the Fax ID to create a unique value over time. This timestamp cannot be translated into any usable real world date or time. 4.0 Release
CallIdKey char (18) False No

An identifier for the call ID used to receive or make the fax attempt. This identifier should be equal to the Call ID in the CallDetail log.

Note The format and use of this field is reserved, and it should not be used as anything more than an opaque identifier. The format of this field might be changed at any time. This field is documented for descriptive purposes only. 4.0 Release
ProcessingDateTime date False No

The date and time that the fax was processed. 4.0 Release
ProcessingDateTimeGmt date False No

The date and time that the fax was processed adjusted to Greenwich Mean Time 4.0 Release
SuccessFlag char (1) False No

Indicates whether the fax transmission was a success or a failure. F = failure and S = success. 4.0 Release
RemoteCSId varchar2 (50) True Potentially

The station ID of the remote fax machine. This is the fax machine that is external to the CIC system. 4.0 Release
RemoteNumber varchar2 (50) True No

The fax number of the remote fax machine. This is the fax machine that is external to the CIC system. 4.0 Release
T30 varchar2 (50) True No

Fax specific addressing. This information will be specific to the fax machine and contains the T.30 string sent from the remote fax machine or sent by the CIC system. 4.0 Release
PortName nvarchar2 (50) True No

The CIC port name where the fax was processed. 4.0 Release
PortNumber number False No

The CIC port number where the fax was processed 4.0 Release
Duration number False No

The length of the transmission expressed in seconds 4.0 Release
Speed number False No

The speed of the transmission expressed in BPS 4.0 Release
PageCount number False No

The number of pages transmitted. 4.0 Release
ErrorInfo nvarchar2 (1024) True No

Internal CIC errors on why faxes failed to transmit. This includes driver and TS errors. 4.0 Release
SignalQuality number False No

The quality of the fax transmission expressed as unit/range specific to the fax hardware used in the transmission and might not be provided with all fax hardware. 4.0 Release
SignalStrength number False No

The strength of the signal expressed as unit/range specific to the fax hardware used in the transmission and may not be provided with all fax hardware. 4.0 Release
LineNoise number False No

The amount of line noise expressed as unit/range specific to the fax hardware used in the transmission and might not be provided with all fax hardware. 4.0 Release
Header varchar2 (128) True Depends on customer usage

Transmitting Fax Only: The header information at the top of each fax. 4.0 Release
SendWhen number False No

Transmitting Fax Only: A flag indicating when the fax will be transmitted. 0 = ASAP, 1 = Scheduled Time, and 2 = Cheap hours. 4.0 Release
CheapBeginDateTime date False No

Transmitting Fax Only: The beginning of the off or cheap hours. This information is only present if SendWhen = 2. 4.0 Release
CheapEndDateTime date False No

Transmitting Fax Only: The end of the off or cheap hours. This information is only present if SendWhen = 2. 4.0 Release
ScheduledDateTime date False No

Transmitting Fax Only: Scheduled time to send fax. This information is only present if SendWhen = 1. 4.0 Release
Retries number False No

Transmitting Fax Only: Number of retries requested for the fax. Each fax, by default, will have one attempt. The first attempt is not included in the retry number. 4.0 Release
RetryDelay number False No

Transmitting Fax Only: The number of seconds between fax attempts. 4.0 Release
SubmitDateTime date False No

The date and time that the fax was submitted to the CIC system for processing. The SubmitDateTime will match the ProcessingDatetime for incoming faxes. 4.0 Release
SenderName nvarchar2 (50) True Yes

Transmitting Fax Only: The CIC User ID of the user who submitted the fax for processing. 4.0 Release
NotifyOnSuccess number False No

Transmitting Fax Only: This value will be 1 if the sender is to be notified on successful fax transmission. By default the value is zero. 4.0 Release
SuccessAddress varchar2 (1024) True No

Transmitting Fax Only: If NotifyOnSuccess = 1, then this is the e-mail address of the person/persons to be notified of successful fax transmission. 4.0 Release
NotifyOnFailure number False No

Transmitting Fax Only: This value will be 1 if the sender is to be notified on failed fax transmissions. By default the value is zero. 4.0 Release
FailureAddress varchar2 (1024) True Yes

Transmitting Fax Only: If NotifyOnSuccess = 1, then this is the email address of the person/persons to be notified of failed fax transmissions. 4.0 Release
FailureAttempts number False No

Transmitting Fax Only: The number of the fax attempt. When the number of FailureAttempts is greater than the Retries, the fax is considered to be failed. 4.0 Release
FailureType number False No

Transmitting Fax Only: The reason the fax failed to transmit. 1 = Busy, 2 = No Answer, 3 = No Remote Fax Detected, and 4 = Unknown. 0 = Successful Transmission 4.0 Release
MaxBPS number False No

Transmitting Fax Only: The maximum allowed BPS. This value can be set by the sender. 4.0 Release
DeviceGroup nvarchar2 (50) True Depends on customer usage

Transmitting Fax Only: The user requested device group to be used to transmit the fax. In IA, you can create named groups of fax stations.

For example, imagine this scenario that has 4 fax stations, which are used for two purposes: First to handle normal inbound/outbound daily faxing, and second to handle large fax broadcasts to thousands of users.

Without fax groups, a fax broadcast to thousands of users would tie up all the fax stations for hours or days and your normal inbound/outbound faxing would be down. In this case you could, for example, create a fax group called FaxBroadcast which includes only two of the fax stations and set this fax group name on each broadcast fax. This will restrict the faxes to using only stations included in the group. 4.0 Release
CoverPageName nvarchar2 (50) True Depends on customer usage

Transmitting Fax Only: The name of the type of cover page used, such as Confidential, Fax1, Fax2. 4.0 Release
ToCompany nvarchar2 (50) True Depends on customer usage

Transmitting Fax Only: The name of the company of the fax recipient as entered on the cover page. 4.0 Release
ToName nvarchar2 (50) True Depends on customer usage

Transmitting Fax Only: The name of the fax recipient 4.0 Release
ToVoicePhone nvarchar2 (50) True Depends on customer usage

Transmitting Fax Only: The telephone number of the fax recipient. 4.0 Release
FromName nvarchar2 (50) True Depends on customer usage

Transmitting Fax Only: The name of the fax sender as entered on the cover page. This name can be different from the SenderName as this name is not system driven, but entered by the sender. 4.0 Release
FromFaxPhone nvarchar2 (50) True Depends on customer usage

Transmitting Fax Only: The fax number of the sender as entered on the cover page. 4.0 Release
FromVoicePhone nvarchar2 (50) True Depends on customer usage

Transmitting Fax Only: The phone number of the sender as entered on the cover page. 4.0 Release
FromCompany nvarchar2 (50) True Depends on customer usage

Transmitting Fax Only: The name of the sending company as entered by the sender on the cover page. 4.0 Release
FaxComment nvarchar2 (1024) True Depends on customer usage

Transmitting Fax Only: Any comments entered by the sender for the fax. 4.0 Release
LocalCSId nvarchar2 (50) True No

The station ID of the internal (CIC) fax machine. This is the fax machine that is internal to the CIC system. 4.0 Release
I3TimeStampGMT date False No

The system supplied date and time of when the row was added or inserted into the table. 4.0 Release
SiteId number False No

Site identifier of the source for this record. Used in multi-site installations to distinguish the origin of the record. Configured when setting up CIC. 4.0 Release
SubSiteId number False No

Not used in this release. The purpose of this field is to divide use within a site, such as for multiple independent companies on one CIC system. Until CIC has such functionality, this field is zero and is reserved for future use. 4.0 Release
Direction number False No

The direction of the fax. 1 = incoming and 0 = outgoing. 4.0 Release
SubmitDateTimeGMT date False No

The Greenwich Mean Time of Submit Date/Time 4.0 Release


Primary Key Name Type Column Name (sort order)
PK_FaxEnvelopeHist Non-clustered SiteId (Ascending)
EnvelopeId (Ascending)
EnvelopeTimeStamp (Ascending)
CallIdKey (Ascending)

Primary Key Name Column Name (sort order)
PK_FaxEnvelopeHist SiteId (Ascending)
EnvelopeId (Ascending)
EnvelopeTimeStamp (Ascending)
CallIdKey (Ascending)

Index Name Type Column Name (sort order)
FaxEnvelopeFaxId Non-clustered SiteId (Ascending)
FaxId (Ascending)
FaxTimeStamp (Ascending)
FaxEnvelopeHistCallId Non-clustered SiteId (Ascending)
CallIdKey (Ascending)
FaxEnvelopeHistProcTime Non-clustered SiteId (Ascending)
ProcessingDateTime (Ascending)
I3TimeStampGMT Clustered I3TimeStampGMT (Ascending)
SiteId (Ascending)

Index Name Column Name (sort order)
FaxEnvelopeFaxId SiteId (Ascending)
FaxId (Ascending)
FaxTimeStamp (Ascending)
FaxEnvelopeHistCallId SiteId (Ascending)
CallIdKey (Ascending)
FaxEnvelopeHistProcTime SiteId (Ascending)
ProcessingDateTime (Ascending)
i3timestampgmt83 I3TimeStampGMT (Ascending)
SiteId (Ascending)