
  • Contents

Understanding Recurrence Options

When you create a recurring conference, specify the start and end time of day, the recurrence interval, and the start and end date. Recurrence intervals are Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly, with specific options for each.



Recurrence Interval

Specify the interval for the conference call. This interval can be Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly.

  • Daily

    Every ___  day(s)

    Enter a number to specify the daily frequency. For example, enter 1 to create a conference call that occurs every day (seven days a week), or 2 to create a call that occurs every other day, seven days a week, and so on.

    Every weekday (Monday-Friday)

    Select this option to create a daily conference each weekday, Monday through Friday.

  • Weekly

    Recur every ____ week(s) on:

    Enter a number to specify the weekly interval for a conference. For example, enter 1 to create a call each week, enter 2 to specify the call every other week, and so on. Then select a check box by the days of the week for the call. You can specify one or more days each week.

  • Monthly

    Day ___ of every ___ month(s)

    Select a day of the month to schedule the conference to recur on a specific day each month, or after an interval of months, such as on the 10th day of every other month.

    The ___ ___ of every ___ month(s)

    You can select the first, second, third, fourth, or last day, weekday, weekend, or day of the week, each month, and an interval of months. For example you can schedule a conference on the first day of every third month, or on the second Tuesday of each month, or a quarterly conference call on a specific day.

  • Yearly

    Every ___  ___

    Select a Month and a specific day of the month, or scope the conference to the first, second, third, fourth, day, weekday, weekend, or day of the week, for any specific month of the year.

    The ___ ___ of ___

    Specify the yearly interval of a conference. For example, you can schedule a conference on the first Thursday of January each year.

Start Date and End by

Each recurring conference must have a start and end date, or you can specify it ends after a set number of conference occurrences.