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II3ID2::BeginReplaySession Method


Replays a handler session.

IDL Function Prototype

HRESULT BeginReplaySession(

   [in] BSTR HandlerLoadDirectory,

   [in] BSTR InitialHandlerName,

   [in] VARIANT ReplayEventNotifier,

   [in, optional] BSTR InitialHandlerValidationClassName,

   [out, retval] II3IDReplaySession ** NewSession


C/C++ Syntax

HRESULT BeginReplaySession(BSTR HandlerLoadDirectory, BSTR InitialHandlerName, VARIANT ReplayEventNotifier, BSTR InitialHandlerValidationClassName, II3IDReplaySession ** NewSession);



The directory that Designer should use when loading handlers for a replay session.


This is the initial handler to use in the replay session, such as System_IncomingCall. This is similar to picking the initial handler to use while debugging.


The ReplayEventNotifier specifies a COM object that implements the II3IDReplaySessionEvents interface. It can be used to receive replay session events. ReplayEventNotifier is a VARIANT and can be one of the following types:

  • VT_UNKNOWN: Designer will call QueryInterface on the IUnknown member (ReplayEventNotifier.punk) contained in the VARIANT for the II3IDReplaySessionEvents interface.

  • VT_DISPATCH: Designer will call QueryInterface on the IDispatch member (ReplayEventNoifier.pdisp) contained in the VARIANT for the II3IDReplaySessionEvents interface.

  • VT_BSTR: Designer will treat the string contained in ReplayEventNotifier as a ProgID and create the COM object specified by the ProgID.  If the COM object could be created, then Designer will QueryInterface that object for the II3IDReplaySessionEvents interface.


InitialHandlerValidationClassName is an optional input parameter of type BSTR. When a handler is published, Designer will assign a value to its ClassName property. Each time the handler is published, the ClassName value will change.

So, if a class name is submitted to the BeginReplaySession method, Designer will check to make sure that the initial handler loaded in the replay session matches the class name specified. This is extremely helpful because you can ensure that the handler being displayed to the user matches the handler that IP was running for the replay session that is being run.


An II3IDReplaySession object is returned.