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II3ID::RegisterForIdEvents Method


Register an interface pointer (i.e. II3IDEvents) to receive event notifications from Interaction Designer.

IDL Function Prototype

HRESULT RegisterForIdEvents(

   [in] VARIANT * EventNotifier


C/C++ Syntax

HRESULT RegisterForIdEvents(VARIANT * EventNotifier);



Specifies what object Interaction Designer should call to process a menu event. This can be a variant that contains an IDispatch pointer, an IUnknown pointer, or a BSTR. If you specify a BSTR in the VARIANT, Interaction Designer will treat that string as a ProgId, create the object using that ProgId and QueryInterface the created object for an II3IDEvents interface pointer. For an IDispatch or IUnknown pointer, Interaction Designer will call QueryInterface on that pointer for the II3IDEvents interface.