
  • Contents

II3IDInitiators::RegisterInitiator Method


Add a COM based tool to the collection and return its interface pointer. The ProgID will be used as the tool's Module name.

IDL Function Prototype

HRESULT RegisterInitiator(

   [in] VARIANT InitiatorAddOnEventSink,

   [in] BSTR InitLabel,

   [in] BSTR InitModule,

   [in] BSTR InitName,

   [in] BSTR InitDescription,

   [in] BSTR ObjectType,

   [in] BSTR ObjectTypeLabel,

   [in] BSTR RuntimeDLLName,

   [in] BSTR RuntimeDLLFuncNme,

   [in] long nbrParms,

   [in] VARIANT_BOOL AllowAllEvents,

   [in] VARIANT_BOOL AllowAllObjectIDs,

   [in, optional] BSTR InitVersion,

   [in, optional, defaultvalue(0)] BSTR HelpFileName,

   [in, optional, defaultvalue(0)] long HelpFileContext,

   [out, retval] II3IDIni

C/C++ Syntax

HRESULT RegisterInitiator(VARIANT InitiatorAddOnEventSink, BSTR InitLabel, BSTR InitModule, BSTR InitName, BSTR InitDescription, BSTR ObjectType, BSTR ObjectTypeLabel, BSTR RuntimeDLLName, BSTR RuntimeDLLFuncNme, long nbrParms, VARIANT_BOOL AllowAllEvents, VARIANT_BOOL AllowAllObjectIDs, BSTR InitVersion, BSTR HelpFileName, long HelpFileContext, II3IDIni



InitiatorAddOnEventSink specifies the object that Interaction Designer should call back on with events specified in the II3IDInitiatorAddOn interface. The variant should be one of the following:

  • VT_EMPTY / VT_NULL: Specify when you don't want any II3IDInitiatorAddOn callbacks to occur.

  • VT_BSTR: The bstrVal contains a ProgID of a COM object that Designer should create that implements the II3IDInitiatorAddOn interface.

  • VT_UNKNOWN: punkVal should be an IUnknown interface pointer that Designer can query for an II3IDInitiatorAddOn interface pointer.

  • VT_DISPATCH: pdispVal should be an IDispatch interface pointer that Designer can query for an II3IDInitiatorAddOn interface pointer.


The label for the initiator. The label should be localized because it is displayed to the Interaction Designer user. For instance, when a user clicks on the File | Change Initiator menu item, the label is displayed in the list of initiator choices.


The label for the initiator. The label should be localized because it is displayed to the Interaction Designer user. For instance, when a user clicks on the File | Change Initiator menu item, the label is displayed in the list of initiator choices.


The unchanging name of the initiator.

NOTE: The module name/initiator pair name needs to be unique among all initiators that are registered in Designer. Interaction Designer will fail to register an initiator if there is another initiator already registered with the same module/name combination.


This is a localized description of what your initiator is used for.


Type of entity causing notification. This is the Notifier object type string and should not be localized.


The GUI label for the object that should be internationalized.


The name of the DLL that contains the 'RuntimeDLLFuncName' function.


The name of the function inside of the 'RuntimeDLLName' DLL to call when the notification is received.


The number of output parameters for this initiator. For an initiator, all outputs parameters are variables.


This Boolean value determines whether or not Interaction Designer will allow a handler author who is editing the initiator's properties to select '{all}' as a notification event.


This Boolean determines whether or not Interaction Designer will allow a handler author who is editing the initiator's properties to select '{all}' as an object ID.


A string that you can set to indicate the version of the initiator.


This optional input parameter specifies the name of the Windows help file that contains a topic describing this initiator.


This optional parameter is Help Context ID number of the topic in the Windows help file that describes this initiator.


The return value is an II3IDInitiator object.