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II3IDParameters::AddOutput Method


Implements functionality defined in I3IDToolReg.h's I3IDAddToolOutput method.

IDL Function Prototype

HRESULT AddOutput(

   [in] VARIANT TypeSpecifier,

   [in, optional] BSTR UILabel,

   [in, optional, defaultvalue(0)] VARIANT_BOOL Required,

   [in, optional, defaultvalue(-1)] long Index,

   [out, retval] II3IDParameter ** NewParm


C/C++ Syntax

HRESULT AddOutput(VARIANT TypeSpecifier, BSTR UILabel, VARIANT_BOOL Required, long Index, II3IDParameter ** NewParm);



TypeSpecifier denotes the type for the input parameter. It is a VARIANT that should be one of the three following types:

  • VT_BSTR: A string of the format "<TypeModule>::<TypeName>" that identifies the type for this parameter. For example, the string "::Integer" could be used to specify a type of Integer. In this case, the module name for the type is empty.

  • VT_UNKNOWN: The punkVal member should contain an IUnknown pointer to a COM object that implements the II3IDType interface.

  • VT_DISPATCH: The pdispVal member should contain an IDispatch pointer to a COM object that implements the II3IDType interface.

    For VT_UNKNOWN and VT_DISPATCH, "the COM object that implements the II3IDType interface" means that it is a type object that was retrieved from a method off of an II3IDTypes call such as the II3IDTypes::Item method.


The localized label displayed next to the multi-line text box on a step properties page in Interaction Designer.


This parameter is used to tell Interaction Designer if the parameter is required for the tool step. If so, a valid entry must be given to the parameter before the step is publishable.


Index indicates where in the parameter list you would like to insert the parameter. The new parameter will be inserted BEFORE the specified index. To append to the current parameter list, specify -1.

The index must be greater than or equal to the registered number of parameters in the parameter list (or -1). The registered count is the number of parameters that are registered by the tool or initiator during its initial registration. That number can be found by checking II3IDParaemters::get_RegisteredCount.


The return value is the II3IDParameter object created by Interaction Designer.