
  • Contents

Call Dialing Mode condition type

This pre-call condition type allows a policy to evaluate the dialing mode used to dial the contact.  This is used primarily to determine if the call was placed as a non-preview dial in conjunction with the Phone Number Type to comply with new regulations.


Type a name for the new policy condition in the Name field.  This can be anything you like, so long as it is unique within the policy.  Try to use of a descriptive name that describes the criteria that this condition evaluates.

Condition Type

Select "Call Dialing Mode" to display options that configure this condition.


Available Items

Displays a list of dialing modes to select from.

Add button

Adds any modes selected in Available items list, to the Selected items list. Items in the latter list will be examined when the condition is evaluated.

Remove button

Moves the item selected in the Selected items list back to the list of Available items, thereby excluding it from being evaluated.

Condition satisfied when criteria evaluates to True | False

Determines whether the condition evaluates to True when the criteria is true or false.