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DNC Update behavior type

This disposition-only policy behavior optionally adds a phone number, exclusion value, and expiration date-time to the DNC table. This can be used to DNC exclude a contact number for a specified duration of time, or for a specific account.


Type a name for the new behavior in the Name field.  This can be anything you like, so long as it is unique within the policy.  Try to use of a descriptive name that describes what this behavior does when its condition is true.

Behavior Type

Select "DNC Update" to display options that configure this condition.


Phone Number

Adds the phone number to the DNC entry.

Column to Exclude

When checked, DNC processing will exclude by identity, meaning that the identity column in the DNC file will be matched against a similar column in the contact list. These columns might store account numbers, for example. When there is a match, Dialer will not call any phone number in the matching account. The related GUI elements are DNC Excluded Column Identifier on the Contact List tab of a Campaign configuration entry, and Database Column to Exclude on a DNC Source entry.


Enables options that set an expiration date and time. The Phone Number check box should be checked when this option is used. A use case might be not to call a number again for 30 minutes. The phone number will be added to the DNC table with an expiration of 30 minutes from the time this behavior was executed.