
  • Contents

HTTP Streaming

Contact List Management features, such as the ability to import or export data, require access to Dialer's database. Interaction Dialer Manager does not perform direct database access. Instead, it passes requests to IceLib, so that routine transactions are handled consistently. However, IceLib isn't suitable for streaming large amounts of data into or out of a contact list, so a streaming HTTP server is used instead.

The streaming HTTP service runs as part of DialerTranServer on the Central Campaign Server. The address and port it listens on, as well as whether to use SSL, is configurable in Dialer Manager, is configured on the HTTP Server tab page.

Contact list management features made possible by HTTP Streaming:

  • You can import records into the Dialer call list from a CSV file, XLS file, or a database table.

  • You can export records from the Dialer call list into a CSV file, XLS file, or a database table.

  • You can query a small number of records to be displayed in a data grid in the user interface, and then commit changes to those records back to the database.