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Interaction Host Recorder Help
Absolute Position User Defined Fields
Using absolute position is really just assigning the screen coordinates where the field will be located. Absolute coordinates allow you to define a specific column location and row location on a screen. You can also define row or column (or both) at the current cursor position. Using cursor position introduces flexibility because handlers can move the cursor on the screen, moving the field with the cursor. This topic describes the four ways in which you can use absolute position to define a field.
Specify row and column coordinates to define an exact position on the screen. Use this method if you are sure that the value must be retrieved from a precise row and column coordinate every time.
Example: Absolute field at Row=23, Col=9, length=2
Specify only a column position if you know that the field will always be in a specific column. No matter which row the cursor is in, the field will be in the specified column on the cursor row. The Host Move to Position tool in a handler can move the cursor down the column.
This method is useful with tabular data is in a vertical column, and you want to retrieve data down that column.
Example: Absolute field at Row=Cursor, Col=31, length=9
Specify only a row position if you know the field will be in specific row. No matter which column the cursor is in, the field will be in the specified row. This method is useful with tabular data is in a horizontal row, and you want to retrieve data across that row. The Host Move to Position tool in a handler can move the cursor across the row.
Example: Absolute field at Row=12, Col=Cursor, length=7
Set Row and Column to Cursor Position if you know that the cursor always ends up at a specific location. Using this method, the field starts at the current cursor position, wherever that is on the screen. If you want the field to start before or after the current cursor position, use relative position because it allows offsetting.
Example: Absolute field at Row=Cursor, Col=Cursor, length=7