
  • Contents

Host Tool Overview

Host tools are the tools in handlers that can tell Host Server to run parts of a host profile. Host tools use the values in your host profile to connect to the host, navigate to a screen, send or receive data, and perform other operations. The following list contains a summary of the Host tools you can use in your handlers. See the Interaction Designer online help for more information on using these tools.

Host Connect

Loads a profile and connects to a host using the connection properties in that profile. The open connection is placed in a connection variable so that other Host tools can perform actions stored in the profile.

Host Disconnect

Disconnects from the host.

Host Fetch Form Data

Binds user defined fields to variables in the handler and then retrieves values from that host screen.

Host Find String

Returns the row and column coordinates of a string you specify.

Host Get Cursor Position

Returns the row and column coordinates of the current cursor position.

Host Get Screen

Returns the contents of a screen in a list of string variable where each row on the screen is an element in the list. You can then process this list of string variable in a handler.

Host Get String

Retrieves any number of characters starting at a row and column coordinate that you specify.

Host Move to Position

Moves the cursor to a row and column coordinate that you specify.

Host Move to Screen

Executes a transition from one screen to another.

Host Press Key

Sends one or more key presses to the currently loaded screen.

Host Put Form Data

Writes data from variables in the handler into the user defined fields in a screen.

Host Put String

Writes a string to a row and column coordinate that you specify.

Host Verify Screen

Runs all validation rules for the current screen. If the validation rules fail, this tool fails.

Host Wait for Cursor

Instructs the handler to wait for the cursor to appear at a certain location. You can specify a timeout for this operation.

Host Wait for ReadyToSend

Instructs the handler to wait for a ready to send signal from the screen. You can specify a timeout for this operation.

Host Wait for Screen

Waits for all validation rules for a screen to evaluate true.

Host Wait for String

Waits for a specified string to appear at specified row and column coordinates on the terminal emulation.