- Contents
Interaction Host Recorder Help
Transition Commands
Transition commands are the actions taken to move from one screen to another. Transitions are made up of one or more transition commands. Transition commands are listed in the Transition Commands window, and they are executed in the order they are listed.
To edit a transition command, right-click on the transition command and choose Edit... from the menu that appears.
Note: Some transition commands are not recorded automatically, and you must insert them manually after you record a transition. Transition commands colored red in the list below are recorded automatically. To manually insert a transition command, right-click in the transition command list and choose Insert Command... from the menu that appears. You can then move the transition command up and down in the list by right-clicking the transition command and choosing Move Up or Move Down from the menu that appears.
There are ten types of transition commands:
- Validate
Validates the current screen using the validation rules prescribed for that screen. - Press Key
Sends one or more keys to the screen. You can remap your keyboard and map multiple keys to a single key press in the Preferences dialog. -
Wait for RTS
Instructs the transition to wait for a ready to send signal before executing the next transition command. Use this transition command carefully because you may not be able to predict the number of ready to send signals that the host will send while loading a screen. As a result, the screen may not fully loaded before the next transition command is executed. -
Wait for String
Instructs the transition to wait for the appearance of a specific string on the host screen. You can configure which string to watch for, where the screen should appear, and several other properties. This transition command must be inserted manually. -
Wait for Cursor
Instructs the transition to wait for the appearance of the cursor on the screen. You can optionally specify a cursor location, and the amount of time to wait before timing out. -
Wait for Screen ID
Instructs the transition to wait for a specific screen ID. This transition command must be inserted manually. -
Wait for ScreenType
Instructs the transition to wait for a specific screen type . You can optionally specify a timeout value. This transition command must be inserted manually. -
Sets the cursor at a specific row and column on the screen. You can optionally choose to set the cursor in the current row, column, or both. -
Writes a specific string to a specific row and column on the screen. You can optionally choose to write the string in the current row, column, or both. This transition command must be inserted manually. -
Instructs the transition to wait for a specific number of seconds before executing the next transition command. In short, this inserts a pause in the execution of transition commands.