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Associate Active Directory User

Use this page to associate the active directory user for this CE Phone. You can perform the following actions:

  1. Select the CE Phone Data Source

  2. Search for Users

  3. View search results

CE Phone Data Source

Select the CE Phone Active Directory data source from the drop-down list. This list is populated from the CE Phone Active Directory data sources that have been defined in the global CE Phone Administration page. You can also click Add One to add a new association or click Edit to edit the existing association.


Next, perform a search to narrow the list of users. Use the optional search filter by specifying basic LDAP search syntax. If no search filter syntax is entered, then all users are searched for.

Note: The scope of the users and the number of users returned in the search results are specified as part of the search parameters within the data source.

Search Results

Select a user from the search results list to associate with the SIP station.

Note: The system does not perform a verification if users associated with multiple SIP stations.