
  • Contents

Configure an LDAP directory

To configure an LDAP directory

  1. In the Directory Name box, type the LDAP directory name. The name entered here is arbitrary and used solely within CIC to identify this configured directory.

  2. In the Server box, type the FQDN or IP address of the LDAP server.

  3. In the Port box, modify the default port number if necessary. The default port number used on most LDAP servers is 389 (non-SSL) or 636 (SSL). The port number on your LDAP server may vary.

  4. In the Search Base box, type the distinguished name of the base entry (starting point) for searches in the directory, if required. This entry can be for a country, an organization, or other type of grouping. Whether a search base is required depends on the directory server in use.

  5. If the LDAP server requires authentication so that the CIC server can connect to it, select the Requires Authentication check box. Then enter the user name and password information.

  6. Click OK.


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