
  • Contents

Layouts: Positions Field Descriptions

This topic contains the descriptions for each field in the Positions details view under the View Layouts page.

Layout Image section

The following fields are related to the image you are associating with the layout.


This button opens the Open dialog box where you select an image. Supported image types include .jpg, .jpeg, and .png.  

Image Display Name

By default, the file name of the image you select for the layout is displayed here. If necessary, rename the image. All image names must be unique across all layouts.

Image to Upload

This is the actual file name that you have uploaded. It is view-only.

Image Dimensions

This is the size in pixels of the image you uploaded.

New Image...

Click this button to upload a new image for the layout.

Clear Image...

Click this button to remove the image from the layout.

Selected Position section

The following fields are related to the positions you associate with stations and place on the layout image. You must have the administrative access right to a position in order to view it and select it.


Type a name for this position on the layout. The name must be unique across all positions in this layout. You might use a person's name associated with the station, like PattyJ for a station named PattyJ_SIP_Station.


Use the up and down arrows to set the left alignment of the selected position.


Use the up and down arrows to set the width of the selected position.


Use the up and down arrows to set the top alignment of the selected position.


Use the up and down arrows to set the height of the selected position.


Select the station from the pull-down list that you want to associate with this position. You can not add a new station here. The station must be an existing station that is already configured, and it must not be assigned to another position. You can select a station only if you have the administrative access right for it.


Related topics   

Add a New Layout

Layouts: Positions

Layouts: Advanced

Layouts: Advanced Field Descriptions