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Set the score for a keyword

This topic contains the steps for setting the score of a keyword or phrase. It is through scoring that Interaction Supervisor displays score statistics, including the largest positive and negative scores and the cumulative score in the real-time workgroup queue view.

Scoring allows you to assign a degree of importance to the keywords and phrases you defined. For example, you want to assign a low score to keywords and phrases that indicate a customer is becoming upset. Conversely, you want to assign a high score to words and phrases that indicate a customer is responding in a positive manner. You can assign point values to keywords and phrases for both agents and customers.

You can assign to a keyword or phrase any point value from +/-1 to +/-100.  Scoring is used to determine which calls need the most attention from the contact center supervisor, who monitors the workgroup queue using a few simple metrics.

Note: The maximum cumulative score an Interaction can have is -99999 to 99999. Assigned point values should be within a reasonable range so the cumulative score for the entire Interaction does not exceed the maximum value.

To set scores for a keyword

  1. In the upper-right pane of Keyword Sets, click the Keyword Set that contains the keyword for which to set a score. The keyword set appears in the lower pane.
  1. In the lower pane, click the Customer score or Agent score for the keyword for which to set a score. The keyword entry is highlighted and the scoring field is available to edit.

Tip: If you assign the keyword set to one channel, it is not necessary for you to set a score for both channels.

  1. Assign the score by typing a number in the box or using the up and down arrows to increase or decrease the value.
  1. In the lower-right corner of the lower pane, click to apply your changes.

Tip: You can undo your changes by clicking in the lower right corner of the lower pane.

Related topics

Keyword considerations

Keyword definitions

Keyword organization