
  • Contents

Configure TLS port-to-certificate mappings

To configure TLS port-to-certificate mappings

  1. Use one of these paths:

    • System Configuration > Configuration > Certificate Management > SIP/TLS Certificates Configuration > Modify > Port-To-Certifcate Mappings

    • IC Server > Lines > Line Configuration > TLS Security > Configure certificates and port mappings > Port-To-Certifcate Mappings

    Note: In order to access the TLS Security tab, you just first select TLS as the transport protocol on the Transport tab.

  2. To add a mapping, do the following:

    • in the Line Certificate list, select the certificate that you want to map to a port number.

    Note: To import an existing certificate that does not appear in this list, click the Import New Line Certificate… link.

    • In the Port field, select the port number. The port number must match the receive port number on the SIP/TLS line that you want to use with the certificate.

    • Click Add.

  3. To remove a mapping, select it in the Port-To-Certificate Mappings list and then click Remove.

  4. Click Close.


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