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Interaction Administrator Help
Station name
Type the name of a station connected to the network with the CIC server. A station can be one of the following kinds of devices:
Workstation (a PC on the network, such as SUPPORT1PC)
A phone not directly connected to the CIC (such as a remote employee working at home)
Fax machine (a stand-alone fax machine, such as HPOfficeJet1)
Note: Do not use the machine name for the station name unless you are using machine name based licensing. Specifying matching names when you are not using machine name based licensing can cause issue with stationless logons.
Click Browse to select a station from the network. The Browse location defaults to the last open domain.
Hint: Type a descriptive station name to more easily identify the kind of station, its location, the user, or another key attribute that uniquely identifies the station (such as Conference_Room_Phone, Mktg_Fax_Machine, and so on).