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Interaction Administrator Help

Tracing Configuration
Application tracing gathers and displays diagnostic information. You can set tracing at different levels which define the amount of detailed information gathered. You can configure trace levels for a user or for a workgroup, but user level settings override the workgroup settings. When a user is a member of multiple workgroups, the highest workgroup trace level setting is observed. If you define trace level settings for the user, those settings override the workgroup settings.
A user is a member of three workgroups having IPA Designer trace levels set at 17, 26, and 55. With no trace level set for the user, the highest workgroup trace level is observed, so 55 in this case. If this user's IPA Designer trace level is then set at "29", "29" is the trace level observed, regardless of the workgroup's settings.
This is helpful for example, if a specific user needs to be excluded from a higher workgroup trace level because of her older, slower computer.
Use this page to set the trace levels for installed and licensed applications that use IceLib (Interaction Center Extension Library). Setting an application's trace level high can impact performance. A confirmation warning is displayed if the level could potentially affect the system. The following applications (if licensed and installed) are listed:
Interaction Business Manager (includes all applications installed with Interaction Business Manager Applications install)
CIC clients
Interaction Desktop
Interaction Fax
Interaction Server Manager
IPA Designer
Interaction Voicemail Player
SIP Softphone
Web Client
Mobile Web Client
Native Mobile Client
Use Local Applications Settings
This check box indicates that the trace settings set at the individual application level are used, since application trace levels can also be set on the client workstation, outside of Interaction Administrator. See Use Trace Configuration utility to set trace levels in the Log Viewer online help for more information.
Common Trace Levels
This section allows a typical trace level to be selected for the associated client application. The numbers here represent numeric settings 0 through 100, with 100 being the highest level of tracing. For example, selecting "7) All", sets the trace level to "100". The options are:
7) All
6) Verbose Notes
5) Notes
4) Status
3) Warning
2) Error
1) Critical Error
Trace Level
This option is available to set the trace level for the associated client application to a specific level, such as "53", which is not represented by the typical trace level options above. Use the slider bar to adjust the setting.
Note: The Trace Configuration Utility is available on client workstations and can be used to manage the trace settings of Interaction Center applications installed. Access the utility in Log Viewer from the Tools menu, by clicking Launch TraceConfig. The utility (inintraceconfig.exe) can also be run the \ic\server\ share on the CIC server. For more information, see Use Trace Configuration utility to set trace levels in the Log Viewer online help.
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