
  • Contents

Configure Remote Monitoring

Remote monitoring allows a Supervisor to continuously listen, from a remote location, calls sent to queues that the Supervisor has rights to monitor.  For more information about continuous listening, see Listen to a Call in a Queue in the Interaction Desktop help.

To enable remote monitoring, Interaction Attendant users must make several modifications to menu nodes and handlers. Use the following procedure:

  1. In Interaction Attendant, open the Profile and Schedule node from you want to enable remote monitoring login.

  2. Add a new menu node, and name it Remote Monitoring Menu. Give it the properties shown below.

  3. Add a Subroutine Initiator node that calls the Remote Monitoring Menu when the user presses pound, as shown in the figure below.  Type " SystemIVRChooseQueue" in the Subroutine field.

Noteā€”in this example, the user has chosen to have users press ## to launch the subroutine (once for the first menu, and once to launch the subroutine in the node beneath.

  1. Save and publish your changes.  Then close Interaction Attendant.

  2. Open Interaction Designer, and edit the CustomSubroutineInitiatorRouter handler from your \IntAttHandlers directory. 

  3. Add a new selection to step three that starts when Interaction Attendant generates a subroutine call where SubroutineName=" SystemIVRChooseQueue", as shown in the following figure.

  4. Link that to a call to the SystemIVRChooseQueue subroutine, located in your nnHandlers directory (such a andlers), as shown in the figure below.

  5. In the properties for SystemIVRChooseQueue step, map the Input Call ID to the Call1 variable in CustomSubroutineInitiatorRouter. Map the Output Transferred.

  6. Save and publish the handler.  Now when a Supervisor calls into the new menus and presses ##, the SystemIVRChooseQueue subroutine gets his or her login information and selects a queue from among those the user has rights to monitor.