
  • Contents

Complete External Call (extended)

This System tool calls a number outside your organization.

Caution: Do not use this tool in any location other than where they are currently being used in the default handlers that ship with CIC. These tools only work with call objects created by a telephone going off-hook or by a CIC client user making a call (for example, a user clicking the Make Call button in Interaction Desktop). These tools fail if used in any other handlers or subroutines. These tools will not be supported in the next major release of CIC.


Call Identifier

The unique identifier for a call.

Telephone number

The phone number of the party to be called. A comma causes a two-second pause, and any numbers after the "/" symbol are dialed after the call is connected.

Lines Groups (empty list means any line)

This parameter takes a list of line groups (as configured in Interaction Administrator), or leave this parameter empty to use any available line group.

List of dial strings to be used

This list of dial strings parallels the list of line groups from the parameter above. When line group from position one is attempted, dial string from position one is used, and so on. In the default shipping handlers, the DialPlanEX subroutine returns a list of dial strings that parallels the list of line groups. You can pass the list of dial strings from that subroutine into this parameter. A comma in a dial string causes a two-second pause, and any numbers after a "/" symbol are dialed after the call is connected.

Note: this parameter appears only in the Complete External Call (extended) tool.

Calling Party Number

This parameter passes a string of digits to be displayed as ANI or Caller ID on the phone system that receives the call. If you do not specify a value in this parameter, the Telephony Services subsystem uses the number entered in the Phone Number field in the Line Configuration container in Interaction Administrator.

Note: This only works for ISDN.

Calling Party Name

This parameter passes a string to display the name of the caller on the phone system that receives the call. If you do not specify a value in this parameter, the Telephony Services subsystem uses the name associated with the number entered in the Phone Number field in the Line Configuration container in Interaction Administrator.

Note: This only works for ISDN.

Custom Headers

List of callAttr in custom headers. Use the format of key=value delimited by semicolon to pass to a SIP request. You cannot use a reserved header as a custom header. To use customized headers, enable the Allow Full Custom Headers server parameter. For more information, see Optional General Server Parameters in Interaction Administrator help.

Exit Paths


This step takes the Success exit path if there is an available line.


The tool takes the Busy exit path if the number called is busy.

No Lines

This tool takes the No Lines path if no outgoing lines are available.


The tool takes the Disconnect exit path if the call disconnects.


This step takes the Failure exit path if there are no available lines. If this step fails, the call does not change states