
  • Contents

ACD Interaction Details

This ACD tool retrieves the ACD properties assigned to a specified interaction.


Call Identifier

The unique identifier for an interaction.


Interaction is Acd

Whether or not the specified interaction is ACD.

Acd Interaction Priority

The calculated score for the interaction as determined by Interaction Administrator.

Interaction Time in Acd Queue

The amount of time in seconds that the interaction has been in the ACD queue.

Interaction Time Until Acd Timeout

The number of seconds remaining before the interaction times out.

Acd Item is in Queue Timeout

Boolean indicating whether or not the interaction has timed out.

Acd Interaction Is Currently On Hold

Boolean indicating whether or not the interaction is on hold.

Acd Interaction Time In System

The total number of seconds that the interaction has been in the system.

Acd Interaction Answered Timestamp

The timestamp for when the interaction was first connected.

Acd Skills required for Interaction

List of skills required for this interaction as specified in Interaction Administrator.

Acd Skill Weights for Interaction

Weights for skills pertaining to this interaction as specified in Interaction Administrator.

Acd Interaction Skill Proficiencies

The minimum skill proficiencies assigned to this interaction.

Acd Categories for Interaction

The ACD category assigned to this interaction (i.e., ACD, Custom, Group Ring, or Sequential) as specified in Interaction Administrator.

Acd Queue That Interaction is Assigned to

The ID of the queue that the interaction is currently assigned to.

Acd Interaction Assigned Agent

The User ID of the Agent assigned to this interaction.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the ACD properties are successfully retrieved.


This path is taken if the operation fails.