
  • Contents

Assemble Prompt Phrase

This Telephony tool allows you to define a sequence of strings that defines the structure of a series of prompts you want to play. The specified prompts, TTS and .WAV files are combined into a string that can be played later with the Play Prompt Phrase tool.


Call Identifier

The identifier for the call on which the prompt phrase is assembled. The tool uses the identifier to ascertain the language of the call.


The language code of the prompt phrase to be played. If no language is specified, the default language will be used.

Singular if true

This Boolean permits simple handler-based control over the common case of generating different prompt sequences for plural arguments than for singular ones (e.g., "one car" vs. "two cars"). Set to True to select the Singular Prompt Sequence. Set to False to select the Plural Prompt Sequence.

Prompt Strings

This tab allows the specification of zero or more Prompt Strings that may need to be substituted dynamically into the phrase. Typically, the entries on this tab are string literals or the names of string variables. A Prompt String consists of one or more prompt identifiers separated by white space. A prompt identifier can be scoped by a handler name or unscoped. A scoped prompt identifier consists of the handler name, a colon and the prompt ID (e.g., <HandlerName:PromptName>). All identifiers are case insensitive.


List of String Variables in the current handler. 


The run-time substitution strings that are passed in at run-time to the sequence string. 


The string variables must be either a </tts:....>, </file:......> or a prompt in the form <PROMPT_NAME> for prompts contained within the handler, or <HANDLER:PROMPT_NAME> for prompts contained in another handler.

Sequence Strings

A sequence string is a mechanism by which you arrange multiple prompts to be played at one time. 

In the simplest Case, the Sequence String would be <%1>. This means there will be one substitution string from the Prompt Strings dialog below. The Prompt Strings dialog will either pass in a prompt, or a string variable which represents a prompt. However, the Prompt Sequence could be much more complex than that, so here's a more detailed example:

<Prompt_IVR:IVR_REMOTE_VM_MENU> <%1> <IVR_REMOTE_VM_EXIT>  </file=thankyou.wav> </tts=mister smith>

This will play the following items in the order shown:

1. Prompt IVR_REMOTE_VM_MENU from the Prompt_IVR handler

2. %1 - substitution string

3. Prompt IVR_REMOTE_VM_EXIT from the current handler

4. a .WAV file "thankyou.wav"

5. Text to Speech saying, "Mister Smith".

Single Sequence and Plural Sequence show what the sequence will be based on the Singular? parameter from the Inputs page. 

This dialog lets you choose which sequence string to use for this phrase. The Handlers dialog lists the handlers you currently have open. Sequence Strings are resources just like prompts - they are resources of a handler. Simply highlight which handler you want to use and check the box of the sequence string you want to use.

The Delete, Edit, and Insert buttons allow you to manage existing sequence strings and create new ones. When creating new sequence strings, we highly recommend making use of the Notes field in the dialog box that appears as this will greatly facilitate any future editing.

String Output

Variable out


Exit Paths


This tool always takes the Next exit path.