
  • Contents

Assemble String from Attributes

This Telephony tool builds a string using a format string that can include attribute values from the given interface. This tool is used as part of the Interaction Attendant Set Attribute node.



The interaction from which to draw any attribute values referenced in the given Format String.

Format String

A string that specifies how the result string should be build. This can include normal text and numbers, white space and punctuation characters. The special syntax for referring to an interaction attributes is $(attribnam). For example, this format string: "http://myserver/popmyscreen/id?=$(myattribute)" where the interation's myattribute value is "9927" would yield this result after replacement: "http://myserver/popmyscreen/id?=9927"


Result String

The string that contains all attribute references replaced by their current values. If an attribute does not exist, the attribute reference in the string contains blank.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the attributes were successfully replaced.


This path is taken if there was an error querying the interaction attributes.

See Also

For a list of interaction attributes, refer to the Interaction Attributes Reference Guide (attrib.chm) in the System APIs section of the PureConnect Documentation Library.