
  • Contents

DB Open

This Database tool opens an ODBC data source and passes along parameters like username and password, which are needed to access the data source. This step is usually be followed by a DB Get Connection step.

Settings Page

Data Source

Specifies the ODBC data source you want to connect to.

User Name

Type the username set up when you created the ODBC data source. You must have a value here, even if it is not used. The user name may be entered explicitly, or you may use an expression do derive the username from variables.


Type the password set up when you created the ODBC data source. You must have a value here, even if it is not used. The password may be entered explicitly, or you may use an expression do derive the password from variables.

Note: This tool does NOT obfuscate data entered in this parameter. This means that passwords that are entered explicitly will be visible to others who have access to handler files. Therefore it is recommended that literal strings not be used in any application where password security is desired. Handler authors should instead code the handler to use a lookup of a structured parameter and use the variable in this tool.

Database Variable Name

This is the name (handle) for the database you are opening.

Maximum Database Connections

The number of connections this handler will open. If you are going to be requesting multiple results from your query to the database, you can specify more connections. With one connection you can perform one query and connection and one set of fetches at a time. Multiple connections allow you to query the database, leave the result on the server, perform another query, and go back later to continue getting records.

Exit Paths


If this step executes successfully, this step takes the Success exit path.


If this step does not execute successfully, this step takes the Failure exit path. This can occur when the ODBC data source is not valid, the user name or password are incorrect, the step times out before the DB can be opened, or the DB server is not available.

See Also:

Supported Databases