
  • Contents

Debug a handler

This procedure describes the process for debugging a handler.

  1. Open the handler you want to debug.

  2. Publish the handler (if not already published).

  3. Choose Debug Handlers… from the Utilities menu

  4. Choose the handler you want to debug and Click on OK.

Shortcut: you may also click on debug button to debug the published version of the currently displayed handler.

Designer will open a debug session window containing a read-only copy of the handler being debugged. This file has the extension .DBG. Steps that are breakpoints, i.e., Notify Debugger or the Initiator if the handler does not contain any Notify Debugger steps, plus any other steps that have been designated as breakpoints, appear in red. Also, the background of the design window will be wallpapered with the word "Debug" to further show that the active handler is running in debug mode.

When the handler is started on the CIC server and execution hits the first Notify Debugger or initiator breakpoint , the first breakpoint in the handler becomes highlighted and the handler execution pauses. You are now in debug mode. While in debug mode, you can see the values of variables in the Debug palette.

Note: When debugging a subroutine, if you set the breakpoint on the subroutine initiator, the values passed in by the calling handler are not set in the local handler variables until after the subroutine step executes. It’s the execution of the subroutine step that assigns the variables.

Related Topics


Monitor the changes in the value of a variable in a debug handler

Setting a breakpoint

Stop the debugger

View the value of a variable in a debug handler