
  • Contents

Export for OCR file

Important: The system no longer supports OCR tools.

Converts OCR result file (created by the OCR for TIFF/PCX/DCX files tool) into one of several document formats. You may optionally choose to preface unrecognized words and characters with a special character, allowing easier search-and-replace editing later.


OCR filename

The name of the OCR result file generated by the OCR for TIFF/PCX/DCX files tool. This value is empty by default.

Text format

An integer corresponding to one of the following document types:

  1.  AmiPro2030

  2.  ANSI

  3.  ASCII 

  4.  DatabaseASCII

  5.  DCA

  6.  DecolASCII

  7.  EBCDIC

  8.  Excel

  9.  FrameMaker

  10.  Interleaf 

  11.  Lotus123WK1

  12.  Lotus123WK3

  13.  Lotus123WK4

  14.  LotusManuscript2x

  15.  MicrosoftWord40

  16.  MicrosoftWord5x

  17.  MicrosoftWord60 

  18.  Multimate33

  19.  MultimateAdv36

  20.  MultimateAdv37

  21.  OfficeWriter6x

  22.  PageMaker

  23.  PDAFormat

  24.  PFSFirstChoice20

  25.  PFSFirstChoice30

  26.  PFSProfWrite2x

  27.  Quattro

  28.  RichTextFormat 

  29.  SamnaWordIVPlus

  30.  Ventura

  31.  WindowsWrite3x

  32.  WordForWindows1x

  33.  WordForWindows2x

  34.  WordForWindows60

  35.  WordForWindows70

  36.  WordPerfect42

  37.  WordPerfect50

  38.  WordPerfect5152

  39.  WordPerfect60

  40.  WordStar50

  41.  WordStar55

  42.  WordStar60

  43.  WordStar70

  44.  WordStarWindows1x

  45.  XyWriteIIIPlus


Mark suspicious characters/words?

When the OCR engine parses this image, it can optionally mark words or characters it wasn't sure about with a special character. The special character is placed before each low-confidence word and character. Specify true to automatically preface low-confidence words and characters with a special character. This makes search-and-replace editing easier if you use a character that rarely appears in the document, such as "#" or "~". Specify false to not mark low-confidence words and characters. The resulting quality of the exported text is dependent upon the quality of the fax image.

Character Marker

The character that will preface low-confidence words and characters. Pick a character that appears rarely in your document, such as "#" or "~".

Text file name

The name of the document to be generated. Leave this empty ("") to generate a unique filename that will be passed to the Name of the output text file output parameter.


Text file name

This should be the same name as you specified in the Name of output text file input parameter.

Error Code

If this tool fails, you can evaluate the reason for failure by examining Error Code and Error Message. Error codes and messages are listed in the Error Message parameter explanation below.

Error Message

A description of why this tool failed.


Error Code

Error Message



"Fatal error."

This tool has failed due to a larger failure within CIC. Your event log may contain diagnostic information about the failure. This must be diagnosed by technical support. You should never encounter this error.


"No error."

This tool executed successfully.


"OCR not enable"

The OCR Server is not running. Make sure the OCR Server is installed, running, and properly configured from within Interaction Administrator.


"No OCR result filename."

The file could not be created at the specified location. Make sure the filename and path are correct.


"Bad OCR result filename."

The OCR result file could not be created at the specified location.


"Bad text output filename."

The file could not be created at the specified location. Make sure the filename and path are correct.

Exit Paths


This tool takes the Success exit path if the Error Code is 0.


This tool takes the Failure exit path if the error code is not 0.