
  • Contents

Get Profile

This System tool scores each profile under the active configuration and returns the highest scored profile or the default profile if none of the profiles matched the line, DNIS, or ANI information. Line, DNIS, and ANI information comes from the Interaction Attendant Profile configuration, "Incoming Call Selection." This tool will look at all active profiles in Attendant and score each profile based on the Line, DNIS, and ANI of the call and the Incoming Call Selection data for each profile.

Note: Starting in CIC 4.0 SU3, this tool supports complex SIP/Tel URI addresses when used to match Interaction Attendant addresses.

Scores for the other inputs are used to further refine any matches, as each profile could have 0, 1 or more pieces of matching information. The 1100, 1010, 1001 values are used to give higher weights to Exact Match vs Range Match vs Wildcard Match. Definitions for these types of matches can be found in Interaction Attendant.

If a profile has more than one piece of scoring information, that profile's score is determined by adding those scores together. For example, if one profile has both an ANI Exact Match and a DNIS Wildcard Match, the scores for both matches will be added together to determine that profile's score.

This tool will match on SIP addresses. For example if had a DNIS match of 8723000 it would also match on a SIP call addressed to sip:8723000:5060:

You may also enter text based DNIS entries such as johndoe in a profile. This would then match for a SIP call addressed as sip:dukes@inin:5060:



The Line being scored.


The DNIS being scored.


The ANI being scored.

DNIS Exact Match Score

Scoring value to assign to a profile with an exact DNIS match.

DNIS Range Match Score

Scoring value to assign to a profile with a DNIS Range Match.

DNIS Wildcard Match Score

Scoring value to assign to a profile with a DNIS Wildcard Match.

ANI Exact Match Score

Scoring value to assign to a profile with an exact ANI match.

ANI Range Match Score

Scoring value to assign to a profile with an ANI Range Match.

ANI Wildcard Match Score

Scoring value to assign to a profile with an ANI Wildcard match.

Trunk Exact Match Score

Scoring value to assign to a profile with an exact Trunk match.

Trunk Group Match Score

Scoring value to assign to a profile with a Trunk Group match.



The profile with the highest score. If no profiles received any scores, the default profile will be returned.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the profile is successfully returned.


This path is taken if the operation fails.