
  • Contents

Help Menu Commands

The Help menu offers the following commands, which provide you assistance with this application:



Help Topics

Opens this online help file.


This dialog displays the version number of this application and provides buttons to display CIC server Information and System Information for the hardware and system software.

Contact Genesys

This menu provides four links to PureConnect customer resources:

Home - links to the Genesys home page

Support - links to the Genesys.Support Services page, which requires a login name and password.

Community - links to the web site, which provides a place for CIC users to post questions and share information.

Feedback - links to a PureConnect product feedback form where you can send key people direct product feedback.

Interaction Designer's Help menu also allows you to add your own documentation and/or help files for any custom handlers you may have created. To add an item to Designer's Help menu, simply place the file or directory in the folder …\I3\Server\Help. The next time Interaction Designer is started, anything located in that directory will appear in the Help menu beneath the "Help Topics," "About," and "Contact Genesys" options.