
  • Contents

Literal Values

Literal values are the simplest of expressions. For example, if an Email Address input parameter takes a string value, you can type "". When the tool executes, the email is sent to the specified address.

Remember that literal string values must be placed within quotation marks "". See Literal Value operators for more information on syntax to use when typing literal values.

Using Literal Values in complex expressions

One of the more useful features of literal values is they can form part of a larger expression. For example, you might have a Play Audio step that looks for the Do Not Disturb recording for a user. Your expression might look something like this:

StrUserName & "_Do_Not_Disturb.wav"

This expression appends the string value contained in StrUserName to the literal text "_Do_Not_Disturb.wav" to form a unique filename when the tool executes.

Special Characters in Expressions

Expression Editor Assistant reserves (and interprets) some characters as part of an expression and not as part of a literal value. For example, if you want to use the " (quote) character in a string, you would use \". There are also special characters for inserting line breaks and tabs as part of a string value.

While you can use these special characters in a string, they require special syntax, typically a preceding \ character. See Literal Value operators for more information on special characters in literal values.

Literal Values, Variables, and Operators

