
  • Contents

Modify Entry

This LDAP tool changes the value of one or more LDAP entry attributes. Note that you may only specify one value for each attribute. However, if an attribute already has a value, you may use this tool to specify one additional value. See Introduction to LDAP tools for more information on using this tool.


Session ID

The unique identifier for the session created with the Session tool.


The distinguished name (DN) of the entry this tool will modify. For example, you might use: "uid=JDoe, ou=subscribers, ou=People, dc=inin, dc=com". Contact your LDAP administrator for information regarding the entry location syntax for your LDAP directory information tree.


A list of strings containing the name of one or more attributes to modify. You might create this list using the Parse String tool.


A list of strings (parallel to the Attribute list) that specifies the values for the attributes to modify.


  • 0=Delete Attribute If the logged in user has permissions, this operation deletes all values for the specified attributes.

  • 1=Add attribute If the logged in user has permissions, this operation adds another value to the attributes. This operation allows you to create multi-valued attributes. For example, if the attribute foo contains the values "A" and you add the value "C", foos value will be "A" and "C" after this operation.

  • 2=Replace attribute  replaces one or more existing attribute values with the attribute value that you specify. For example, if the attribute foo contains the values "A" and "B" and you replace them with "C", foos value will be "C" after this operation.


Error Code

The code associated with a processing error.

Error Message

A string description describing the error that occurred.

Error Native

A string description of an error that occurred in the LDAPLib module that connects this CIC server to your LDAP Server.

Exit Paths


This step takes the Success of the operation completed successfully.


This tool takes the Failure exit path if an error occurred. Examine the output error text to determine the problem.