
  • Contents

Park interaction

This Web Interaction tool parks a web interaction (chats, callbacks, or collaborations) on a user queue you specify. The Park Interaction tool allows a to handler re-park an interaction after the original park operation has timed out. This tool allows handlers to differentiate between parked interactions timing out and held interactions timing out. For example, when a parked chat timeout occurs, the Held Call Timer initiator is triggered (just as it is for held calls). If the call was parked, the ParkedFlag output parameter in the Initiator is set to true. The handler could then give the caller the option to re-park.


Interaction Identifier

The unique identifier for the web interaction.

Address Queue Identifier

The queue on which the interaction is to be parked.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the call is successfully parked on the designated queue.


This path is taken if the operation fails.