
  • Contents

Query Security Policy

This System tool queries the currently configured password security policy parameters that are configured in Interaction Administrator. For more information, refer to Interaction Administrator help.


User ID

The user for whom the handler is requesting security information.


Number of passwords kept in your password history

Number of passwords that will be checked in the user's history (i.e., the number of unique passwords required before one may be reused). This corresponds to the "Minimum number of unique passwords before one can be reused" setting in Interaction Administrator. 

Minimum time before you can change your password

This is the minimum amount of time before which a user can change his or her password. This requirement is set in the "minimum age of password before user can change it (days)" parameter in Interaction Administrator. 

Minimum password length

The minimum number of characters that passwords must contain.

Number of "unique" digits required

The minimum number of digits, ignoring repeats, that the password must contain after DTMF conversion. For example, "abc" is "222" after DTMF conversion, which is only one "unique" digit. "Abcd," however, converts to "2223," so this is two unique digits.

Sequential Digits Allowed

Whether or not the entire password may be composed of sequential digits after DTMF conversion. For example, "123123" would not be considered "sequential" by this parameter, as the entire password is not sequential. However "123456" would be considered sequential.

Lockout Duration (minutes)

This is the number of minutes the account will be unavailable once the account has been locked out due to invalid login attempts.

Lockout reset time

The amount of time each invalid login attempt is remembered and counted against the total number of allowable attempts.

Minimum uppercase characters

The minimum number of uppercase characters that the password must contain.  

Minimum lowercase characters

The minimum number of lowercase characters that the password must contain.

Minimum numeric characters

The minimum number of numeric characters that the password must contain.

Minimum special characters

The minimum number of special characters that the password must contain.

Special characters

The special characters that the password can contain to meet the requirement for minimum number of special characters.  A password can include any of these special characters in any combination to meet the requirement. A password can include other special characters but the other special characters do not count toward the requirement.

Special characters can include: ~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;"'<>,.?/   

Exit Paths


This tool always takes the Next exit path.