
  • Contents

Queue Fax For Send

This Fax tool sends a Fax to the CIC fax server. Most of the information used for queuing is the same information used to create the fax envelope. See Fax tools for more information.


Fax Envelope Id

The Envelope Id created for the fax to be queued by a Create Fax Envelope step.

Recipient Fax Number

The fax recipient’s phone number. A comma causes a two-second pause, and any numbers after the "/" symbol are dialed after the call is connected.

Recipient Company Name

The fax recipient’s company name.

Recipient Name

The fax recipient’s name.

Sender Name

The sender’s name.

Sender's Fax Number

The sender's fax machine telephone number.

Sender’s Telephone Number

The sender’s telephone number.

Sender’s Company Name

The sender’s company name.

Notify Sender when fax is sent

Set this to true if you want the sender to be notified if the fax was sent successfully.

Email address to notify if fax when fax is sent

The sender’s email address.

Notify Sender if fax fails

Set this to true if you want the sender to be notified if the fax was not sent successfully.

Email address to notify if fax cannot be sent

The sender’s email address, or some other address to notify if the fax was not sent successfully.

Cover Page Comments

Comments to add to the cover page.

Page Header Message

Header information for the cover page.

Cover Page Type

Only Interaction Fax cover page documents (with a file extension of .i3c) are valid in IC release 1.0. This may change in future releases.

Cover page Name

This is the base name (no path or extension) of an CIC cover page (.i3c) file.  The file must reside in the \I3\IC\Server\Resources\Coverpages folder on the CIC server.  

Fax Workstation Group Name

The fax workstation on which to send the fax.

Number of Retries to Attempt

How many times CIC will attempt to send the fax.

Delay between retries

How many seconds to wait between retries.

Maximum BPS to attempt

The maximum BPS to attempt. Usually you should set this to 0.

Send Type

The category of time when the fax should be sent.

0 = As soon as possible

1 = At a scheduled time

2 = During a low rate time period

Scheduled Time

The time the fax should be sent if the Send type is one.

Time of day low rates begin

The begin time a fax should be sent if the Send Type is two.

Time of day low rates end

The latest time a fax should be sent if the Send Type is two.

Login name user or handler that created this fax

The network user id of the person sending the fax.

Station Id

The name of the sending fax station to use.

Call Attribute Names

This takes a list of strings (array) of attribute names, but you can use a single name.  This might be used for tracking Account Code attributes on faxes.

Call Attribute Values

This takes a list of strings (array) of attribute values, but you can use a single value to match a single attribute name.  This might be used for tracking Account Code attribute values on faxes.

Line groups

The line group to use to place a fax call.

List of dial strings to be used

The list of dial strings to use for a fax call.

Intercom call?

Flag to indicate that the fax call should be placed as an intercom (internal) call as opposed to an outbound call.

Queue to dial for Intercom calls

If the Intercom call flag indicates that the fax call should be placed as an intercom call, this value represent the internal queue to use.

Exit Paths


The Success exit path is taken if the fax was queued successfully.


The Failure exit path is taken if the fax was not queued successfully. This can occur if the fax envelope no longer exists or if the recipient information does not exist.