
  • Contents

Reco Basic Input

This Reco tool is used for simple input where a single, built-in grammar is sufficient (for example, to obtain a confirmation (yes/no) or other simple input where it would be too cumbersome to register grammars and use the Reco Input tool).

The Value Type represents the name of the built-in grammar to use. This corresponds to the Type attribute of a VoiceXML <field> element. Thus, invoking this tool with "digits?length=4" as Value Type, corresponds to registering and using the following two built in grammars: "builtin:grammar/digits?length=4" and "builtin:dtmf/digits?length=4" (this assumes an Input Modes parameter of 3 [voice and DTMF]).

The grammar attribute in the result hypothesis corresponds to the value type prefixed with a "$," without the query parameter component ("$digits" in the above example).

Note: Please see Reco Input for additional information about the semantics of the input tools.



Identifier of the interaction.

Input Modes

An optional space-delimited list of input modes to use for this request. The input modes specified when the session was created are used by default.

Value Type

Value type of the input. This corresponds to the name and parameters of a built-in grammar.

DTMF Termination Keys

Defines the keys a user can press to terminate the input. The pound key (#) is set by default.

For example, when the IVR requests a PIN, the user can enter the PIN and then press # to proceed immediately, rather than waiting for the timeout.

DTMF Escape Keys

Defines the keys a user can press to escape a dialog. No escape key is set by default.

For example, if a user makes a mistake when entering their PIN and needs to start over, he or she can press the escape key to be prompted again for the PIN.

Confidence Level

The minimum confidence that the highest scoring hypothesis of the recognition result must have for a successful recognition. If no hypothesis is above this threshold, the tool will take the Nomatch exit path. This parameter corresponds to the confidencelevel property of VoiceXML.

This parameter must have a value between 0.0 and 1.0 (inclusive). The default value is 0.5.

Top N Answers

Maximum number of distinct answers to include in the recognition result. Default: 2

Note: This does not mean that there will be at most N hypotheses in the recognition result. Each answer may have multiple hypotheses with the same (or very similar) confidence. For example: Assume a dial-by-name grammar where the first names are optional (e.g. "[Adam] Smith | [John] Smith | [John] Smythe"). If the caller says "Smith", there are two possible hypotheses with the same confidence (the same confidence level), one for "Adam Smith" and one for "John Smith". Thus, these two hypotheses would count as one answer. The ASR engine may also provide a second answer with a lower confidence for "John Smythe". Increasing the value of the ‘Top N Answers’ parameter will cause the engine to search for more answers and will thus increase the computation required by the ASR engine.



Maximum time to wait (in seconds) for speech or DTMF input. (That is, if no key is pressed or speech is detected within this time, the recognition aborts. The default timeout period is 5 seconds.)


Specifies the semantics of the timeout value.

Relative (0) Default. Timer starts when the plays complete (silence timeout).

Absolute (1) Timer starts immediately, regardless of how long the plays play.

FinalPlay (2) The timer starts when the last of the queued plays starts to play. Starts immediately if no plays are playing.


Maximum inter-digit delay for DTMF (in seconds). The default timeout period is 2.5 seconds.


Termination timeout (in seconds) for DTMF input when DTMF grammar must terminate. The default timeout period is 0 seconds.


Maximum time to wait (in seconds) after caller stops talking and grammar is not yet in an accepting state before timing out and taking the No Match exit path. The default timeout period is 1.5 seconds.


Maximum time to wait (in seconds) after a valid speech input has been provided before the input is accepted after the caller stops talking. The default timeout period is 0.5 seconds.

Max Speech

Maximum allowed duration of user speech before aborting. This prevents excessive background noise from blocking the tool indefinitely. The default timeout period is 20 seconds.

Tone Detector

Frequency (Hz) (Tone Detector 1)

First tone detection frequency in Hz. The default value is 1100. Set this parameter to zero to disable tone detection.

Max Deviation (Hz) (Tone Detector 1)

Maximum frequency deviation of tone 1 in Hz. The default value is 50.

Frequency (Hz) (Tone Detector 1)

Second tone detection frequency in Hz. The default value is zero. When set to zero, tone detection is disabled.

Max Deviation (Hz) (Tone Detector 2)

Maximum frequency deviation of tone 2 in Hz. The default value is 50.

ON Duration(s)

Time (in seconds) during which the tone must be on. The default value is 0.2.

ON Deviation(s)

Maximum deviation of tone duration. The default value is -0.2.

OFF Duration(s)

Time (in seconds) during which tone must be off. The default value is 0.0.

OFF Deviation(s)

Maximum deviation of tone off duration. The default value is -0.0

Interval Count

Number of tone on/off intervals required for match. The default value is 0.


Inline recognition properties. Properties specified here are active for the duration of the recognition. These properties can be used for advanced control of the recognition or to enable engine specific, custom extensions.


XML Document

XML <result> element node of the recognition result data. If an error occurred, an empty XML node will be returned with error information attached. Use XML Get Error Info to obtain extended error information

Hypothesis Count

Number of recognition hypotheses in the recognition result.

Top "_value" Slot

Value of the "_value" slot of the hypothesis with the highest confidence. Empty string if top hypothesis does not have a _value slot.

Code (event)

This output parameter contains the error code if the tool failed in the form of a VoiceXML style event.

Text (message)

Text accompanying the error code.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if a valid input matching one or more of the specified grammars is recognized. This may be DTMF or voice.


This path is taken if the DTMF Escape key is pressed.


This path is taken if a tone matching the specified rules is detected during the recognition.

No Input

This path is taken if "no input" was recognized during the specified timeout time. This corresponds to the noinput VoiceXML event.

No Match

This path is taken if the input provided but it did not match any of the active grammars. This corresponds to the nomatch VoiceXML event. Even if the tool returns through this exit, there may still be a recognition result.

Max Speech

This path is taken if the Max Speech Timeout was exceeded during speech input. This normally means that the background noise is too high and the handler should fall back to DTMF-only input. This exit corresponds to the maxspeechtimeout VoiceXML event.


This path is taken if some other error occurred. Use XML Get Error Info on the returned recognition result node to obtain additional information.