
  • Contents

Reco Get Hypothesis

This Reco tool retrieves a hypothesis from the recognition result based on the specified parameters. It returns the first hypothesis for which all specified parameters match. The Index can be used to easily iterate over the hypotheses.


Recognition Result

XML DOM node of the ASR recognition result XML document.


Zero-based index of the hypothesis to retrieve. The default value is the first hypothesis that matches other parameters.


Mode to match ("dtmf" or "voice"). "Any" mode will be used by default.

Min. Confidence

Minimum confidence score the hypothesis must have. Default: 0.0

Grammar ID

ID of the grammar whose hypothesis to return. Default: any grammar


Hypothesis Element

XML DOM Node of the <hypothesis> element that matches the specified parameters. NULL node if no matching hypothesis found.

Hypothesis Index

Zero-based index of the hypothesis element as child element of the recognition result. A value of –1 will be returned if there are no hypotheses.

Hypothesis Mode

Mode of the hypothesis ("dtmf" or "voice"). An empty string will be returned if there are no hypotheses.

Hypothesis Confidence

Confidence score of this hypothesis (0.0 to 1.0).

Hypothesis Grammar ID

ID of the grammar that accepted this hypothesis.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if a matching hypothesis was found.

Not Found

This path is taken if no hypothesis matching the specified parameters was found.


This path is taken if an error occurred.