
  • Contents

Reco Get Slot Value

This Reco tool retrieves a slot element and its value based on the specified criteria. Three different elements may be passed as arguments:

  • <result> element: The slot is searched in the first hypothesis of the recognition result. The semantics are exactly the same as if the first hypothesis child element were passed.

  • <hypothesis> element: The slot is searched in the hypothesis element.

  • <slot> element: The child slot elements of this slot are searched.


Hypothesis Or Slot

XML DOM element of a hypothesis, slot, or recognition result.


Zero based index of the slot (child of hypothesis or parent slot). Defaults to the first slot that matches the name


Name of the slot (case-sensitive). To reference a specific child slot in a nested slot, use a period as qualifier. For example. "" accesses the slot "bar" which is a child slot nested in the slot "foo." The name is ignored by default, i.e., slot at index or confidence.

Min. Confidence

Minimum confidence the slot has to have for a match. No confidence attribute assumes 1.0. Default: 0.0


Slot Element

XML DOM element of the matching slot. NULL Node if no matching slot found.

Slot Value

Value of the slot. If the slot has nested slots, this value is the recursive concatenation of the values of all child slots.

Slot Index

Zero-based index of the slot.

Slot Name

Name of the slot. An empty string will be returned if the slot is unnamed.

Slot Confidence

Confidence score of this hypothesis (0.0 to 1.0).

Exit Paths


This path is taken if a matching slot was found.

Not Found

This path is taken if no slot matching the specified parameters was found.


This path is taken if an error occurred.