
  • Contents

Reco Initialize

This Reco tool explicitly initializes an ASR session for an interaction. It allows specifying the engine to use. If no engine is given, the recognition subsystem will pick an engine based on the language identifier of the interaction, the requested features, and the configuration order of the engines.

The Reuse Compatible Session checkbox controls whether an existing ASR session must be re-initialized or can simply be reused. If all parameters are left unspecified and Reuse Compatible Session is checked, an ASR session with default parameters will be created if the interaction does not have a session. If the current session is compatible, the session is used as is. If the checkbox is unchecked, a new ASR session will be created irrespectively of whether the interaction already has an active session, even if the specified parameters match the exiting session.

Common error codes returned by this tool:

Error code


Specified ASR engine is unknown or not installed


Engine doesn’t support the specified language

The specified interaction type is not supported by the recognition subsystem.

Not all of the specified ‘Input Modes’ are supported (‘No Fallback’ = true) or none of the specified ‘Input Modes’ are supported (‘No Fallback’ = false).


Unable to initialize the recognition session because there are too many sessions already active and the number of available ports is limited (e.g. licenses or total load of all ASR servers exceeded limit).

The requested capabilities are not supported by the specified engine (or any engine that may be selected based on the language etc.).

The session configuration cannot be changed, as the ASR engine of the currently active session doesn’t support this (once the engine is initialized, it has to stay with the call). The engine may still support changing the recognition language.

The invoking handler is not the owner of the interaction or it lost the ownership.


Note: Irrespective of whether a new session is created or an old session reused, invoking this tool will always un-register all grammars and reset the session.

IMPORTANT: If the Language attribute of an interaction is changed after this tool has been invoked, the language of the ASR session will not change until the session is re-initialized by calling this tool.



Identifier of the interaction (call)

ASR Engine Name

Optional. Name of the ASR engine configuration to use. If not defined, consider any engine that matches the Language ID argument or the Language interaction attribute and the required features.

Server Groups

Note: This input is not used and is reserved for future use.

Language ID

Optional. ISO language ID of the language to be recognized. If this parameter is not defined, then by default the value of "Language" interaction attribute will be used.

Note: Some engines support multiple languages and/or use the language specified in the grammar. This parameter may thus just be used to ensure that the engine supports the language (but is still may allow using grammars of other languages).

Required Features

Optional. String containing a space separated list of features that the ASR engine must support. Default is an empty string.

Input Modes

Optional. Space-separated list of input modes to use for this session. If this parameter is not defined, the value of the the ‘Eic_RecoInputModes’ interaction attribute is used by default.

Max. Wait for Resource

If allocating an ASR port fails because all of them are in use, the Reco subsystem may wait up to the number of seconds specified by this parameter for a port to become available. If no port is available within this time, the tool fails with ‘Resource Limit’. The default value for this parameter is 0.0s

Reuse Compatible Session

This checkbox specifies behavior if the interaction already has an associated ASR session. This box is checked by default, and so the session won't be re-initialized and the engine won't be unloaded if this interaction already has an existing ASR session that matches the specified parameters. All grammars will be deactivated, however.

Clear this box if you want the session to always reset and the engine to reload.

Lazy ASR Port Allocation

This checkbox specifies whether a physical ASR port should only be allocated the first time an ASR operation is actually performed. This box is unchecked by default.

Check this box if you want the tool to decide which engine to use, but not actually allocate the port. If this box is unchecked and all ports are in use, the tool will take the Failure exit path.

No ‘Input Modes’ Fallback

This checkbox specifies whether the specified input modes must be supported or an automatic fallback is OK. This only applies if ‘Input Modes’ argument is defined (does not apply to default). This box is checked by default and the tool will take the Failure exit path if any input modes specified as "Input Modes" arguments cannot be used.

Clear this box if you do not want this tool to fail if only some of the input modes specified as "Input Modes" are unavailable. If all such modes are unavailable, the tool will still take the Failure exit path.


Inline properties (name/value pairs) to apply to session. These properties can be used to control the engine selection, pass engine specific data to the engine integration, or set default values for certain parameters.


Error Code

This output parameter contains the error code if the tool failed in the form of a VoiceXML style event.

Error Text

Text accompanying the error code.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the recognition session was successfully initialized.


This path is taken if an error has occurred. The Error Code and Error Text parameters contain details about the failure.