
  • Contents

Report Export File

This Reports tool runs one of the Crystal reports defined in the Interaction Administrator Reports container. The output of this report is converted to a document type and saved in a folder you specify.


Report Name

This is the report definition that will be used to process the requested report. It must be a Report Name (Identifier Name) of a report configured in Interaction Administrator, and not the Display Name of the report.

Export Type

Export format to be used for output of report. HTML Export types are excluded from this list. Valid types include:

Acrobat Format (PDF)

Character-separated values

Comma-separated values (CSV)

Crystal Reports (RPT)

Crystal Reports 7.0 (RPT)

Data Interchange Format (DIF)

Excel 97-2000

Excel 97-2000 (Data only)

ODBC – dBASE Files

ODBC – dBASE Files – Word

ODBC – EIC IA Export

ODBC – EIC_Tables

ODBC – Excel Files

ODBC – FoxPro Files – Word

ODBC – LocalServer

ODBC – MS Access Database

ODBC – Visual FoxPro Database

ODBC – Visual FoxPro Tables

Paginated Text

Record style (columns of values)

Report Definition

Rich Text Format

Tab-separated text

Tab-separated values


Word for Windows document


Note: Excel versions 5.0, 7.0, and 8.0 are also supported, but are mapped automatically to Excel 97-2000. Extended versions are mapped to Excel 97-2000 (Data Only).

Export File Path and Name

The file name and location to which the report will be exported.

Note: Do not specify the file name extension.

Boolean Parameter Names

This parameter takes a List of String value.

See Specifying Report Parameters for more information and examples.

Boolean Parameter Values

This parameter takes a List of Boolean value.

See Specifying Report Parameters for more information and examples.

String Parameter Names

This parameter takes a List of String value.

See Specifying Report Parameters for more information and examples.

String Parameter Values

This parameter takes a List of String value. The value you enter at a certain position must correspond with the Name value in the same position in the String Parameter Name parameter above.

See Specifying Report Parameters for more information and examples.

DateTime Parameter Names

This parameter takes a List of String value.

See Specifying Report Parameters for more information and examples.

DateTime Parameter Values

This parameter takes a List of DateTime value. The value you enter at a certain position must correspond with the DateTime Name value in the same position in the DateTime Parameter Name parameter above.

If only the date portion of the DateTime value is needed, or if only the time portion of the DateTime value is needed, this tool will only use that portion of the DateTime value.

See Specifying Report Parameters for more information and examples.

Number Parameter Names

This parameter takes a List of String value.

See Specifying Report Parameters for more information and examples.

Number Parameter Values

This parameter takes a List of Numeric value. The value you enter at a certain position must correspond with the Numeric Name value in the same position in the Numeric Parameter Names parameter above.

See Specifying Report Parameters for more information and examples.

Special Export Options

Depending on export type, any of the following values separated by a semicolon. Click here for more information on Special Export Options:

  • LinesPerPage=n

  • UseReportNumberFormat=0 or 1

  • UseReportDateFormat=0 to n, where n is the constant column width. Default is 9.

  • StringDelimiter={character}

  • FieldDelimiter={character}

  • DSN

  • UID

  • PWD


  • ExcelColumHeadings=0 or 1

  • ExcelConstColWidth=0 or 1

  • ExcelTabularFormat=0 or 1

  • ExcelNoWorksheetFunc


  • ExcelBaseAreaGroupNum=n where n is a group number and ExcelBaseAreaType=GROUPHEAER or GROUPFOOTER

  • FirstPageNo=n where n is the first page number of the document. This option only applies when exporting .pdf or .rtf files.

  • LastPageNo=n where n is the last page number of the document. This option only applies when exporting .pdf or .rtf files.

Exit Paths


The Success exit path is taken if the report was generated successfully.


The Failure exit path is taken if the report failed. This can occur if one of the parameter names or values requested by the report was not supplied in your input values.