
  • Contents

Send Fax Now

This Fax tool allows a handler to transmit a fax on an existing call. This makes it possible to implement a fax-back system using the call from the original caller. To send a fax on an existing call, it is necessary to have an active call (as a Call ID) and a fax object (as a Fax ID). The Send Fax Now tool step will not return until the fax is transmitted or there was an error. When the Send Fax Now tool step returns, the call is still active and it is the handler's responsibility to disconnect the call when finished with it. See Fax tools for more information.


Fax Id

The identifier for the fax that was created by the Create Fax tool.

Call Identifier

Call Id of an active call. The caller should have an attached fax machine set to receive a fax.

Fax Workstation Group Name

Name of the fax device group to use to send this fax. Using the group "*" will use any available fax device.

Timeout in seconds

Time in seconds to wait for an available device in the specified fax device group.

Maximum BPS

Maximum BPS to negotiate with remote fax machine. Valid values are 14400, 12000, 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200, 600, 300 or 0 to negotiate the highest speed supported by both sides.

Station Id

Sets the station name displayed on the fax page and on the remote fax machine’s display. This should usually be set to your fax phone number.

Page Header Message

Message to be displayed at the top of each page.

Login Name User or Handler That Created This Fax

The CIC username to be associated with this fax.

Cover Page Type

This input is set for future use. For now, this must be 0.

Cover Page Name

Name of the cover page template to use. Leave this blank if no cover page is desired. Cover page names consist of just the base filename part of the cover page file. For example, to use the cover page template FaxCoverPage.i3c, use "FaxCoverPage". All cover page files must reside in the Cover Pages directory under the IC Resources directory.

Optional Inputs

Recipient Company Name

Recipient Name

Recipient Voice Number

Recipient Fax Number

Sender’s Company Name

Sender Name

Sender’s Telephone Number

Sender’s Fax Number

Cover Page Comments


Station Id

Station Id of the remote fax machine.

Fax Device

Name of the fax station used to transmit the fax.

Call Duration

Length of the fax transmission in seconds.

Pages Transmitted

Number of pages (including cover page) sent to remote fax machine.

Fax Transmission Rate

Baud rate used to transmit the fax.

Exit Paths


The Success exit path is taken if the fax is successfully transmitted to the recipient.

Invalid Group

The fax group name specified in the "Fax Workstation Group Name" input is not a valid group. Check the fax groups in IA for a valid group or use the "*" group.


The number of seconds specified in the "Timeout" input have elapsed without obtaining an available fax device.

Fax Failed

Fax transmission was not completed successfully. Some pages may have been transmitted to remote. This error is often due to line noise or the remote user interrupting the fax transmission. Check the event log for errors.

Fatal Error

The fax failed for some other reason. Check the event log for errors.