
  • Contents

Wait For Monitor End

This Telephony tool pauses a handler until monitoring on the specified call ends or until the specified timeout period elapses.


Call Identifier

The unique identifier for a monitor interaction.

Timeout (seconds)

The number of seconds the tool will wait for the monitor end.

Exit Paths

Monitor Disconnect

This path is taken if the party that initiated monitoring disconnects.

Target Disconnect

This path is taken if the monitored call disconnects.

Target Private

This path is taken if the call has been marked private by clicking the "Private" button in a CIC client.

Target Station Change

This path is taken if the call changes stations.

Stop Monitoring

This path it taken if call monitoring ends before the timeout period elapses.


This path is taken if the tool exits for reasons other than call disconnection or monitor ending. Possible reasons for taking this path include if the call had already disconnected before this tool began, or if an incorrect Call Identifier was used.


This path is taken if the timeout period elapses and the call is still being monitored.