
  • Contents

XML Clone Node

This XML tool clones the node and, depending on the Recursive flag, all its descendants. If the node is not a Document, the resulting node will have the same owner document as the source node, but the new node will not have a parent. You can use the XML Insert Node tool to attach the new node or branch to a different document.

If the node is a Document, the whole document is duplicated and returned as a result. If the source node is a member of a read-only document, the node can only be cloned if Create New Document is True. In this case, the cloned document is not read-only.

Note: If the Source node is a document, the SelectionLanguage and SelectionNamespaces document properties are copied to the destination document as well.



Node to clone.

Clone Recursively

Set this to True to clone the node and all its descendants. Set to False to clone only the current node, along with its attributes, if applicable.

Note: does not apply to Document nodes. Documents are always cloned as a whole.

Create New Document

Set this to True to clone the Source node as a document element of a new document. Set to False to create the new node with no parent, but with the same owner document as the source node. The new document will not be read-only, even if the source document is.

Note: Source node must be an Element when this parameter is set to True.



Exact clone of the node (and its descendants, if enabled).

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the node was successfully cloned.


This path is taken if the operation fails.