
  • Contents

XML Get Attribute

This XML tool retrieves an attribute node and its value from an element node by attribute name.

The name of the attribute to retrieve can be given as qualified name (xxx:yyy) or as Base Name (yyy) Namespace URI pair. They are mutually exclusive, and the failure path is taken if both a Name and a Base Name/URI pair are given.

Note that Name = "yyy" is the same as Base Name = "yyy" and ‘Namespace URI’ = "".



Node that’s attributes are to be queried. Must be Element.


Qualified Name of the attribute to retrieve. This field should be left empty if ‘Base Name’ and ‘Namespace URI’ are to be used, as both of those fields will be ignored if ‘Name’ is given a value.

Base Name

Base name of the attribute to retrieve. This field will be ignored if ‘Name’ has a value specified.

Namespace URI

Namespace of the attribute to retrieve. This field will be ignored if ‘Name’ as a value specified.


Attribute Node

Attribute node of the attribute of the element. NULL if no attribute of the given name.

Attribute Value

String containing the value of the attribute.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the attribute was successfully retrieved.


This path is taken if the element has no attribute of the given name.


This path is taken if the node is not an element or some other unexpected error occurs.