
  • Contents

XML Transform To String

This XML tool processes the given node and its children by applying the style sheet. The transformation result is returned as a string. The Source node defines a context for the style-sheet to operate on, but navigation outside this scope is allowed. For instance, a style sheet could use the ancestor or id methods to access other parts of the source document.

Note: If an error occurs during the transformation, error information is attached to the Source node. Thus, you have to invoke the XML Get Error Info tool with the Source node as argument to retrieve additional information. Please note the difference to the XML Transform To Document, where the error information is returned in an empty document.

For a description and an example of style-sheet parameter arguments, please consult the XML Transform To Document tool.



Node defining the context from which to start the transformation.


Style-sheet to apply. This may be a document or an Element node representing a style sheet fragment.

String Parameter Names

Optional. List of names of the parameters passed to the XSLT style-sheet. Each item is paired up with the corresponding item in String Parameter Values.

String Parameter Values

Optional. List of string values passed as parameters to the XSLT style-sheet. Each item is paired with the corresponding item in String Parameter Names.

String Parameter Namespace URI

Optional. Namespace URI of the parameters passed to the XSLT style-sheet.

Node Parameter List

Optional. List of nodes to pass as parameters to the XSLT style-sheet. The nodes in the list are paired with the corresponding item in the Node Parameter Namespace URIs argument.

Node Parameter Namespace URIs

Optional. List of namespaces that identify the corresponding object from the Node Parameter List argument in the style sheet.

Start Mode

Optional. Start mode for the XSLT transformation. This allows to specify a subset out of a larger XSLT style-sheet.

Start Mode Namespace URI

Optional. Namespace URI for the start mode. Allows to fully qualify the mode name.



String representation of the transformation result.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the transformation completed successfully.


This path is taken if the operation fails.