
  • Contents

Interaction Retry Later Attempt initiator

This initiator starts when an agent places a web interaction in a “Snooze” state. This initiator starts the System_RetryInteractionLater handler to call the Snooze Interaction toolstep to place the interaction in the “Snooze” state. When the “Snooze” period ends, the Interaction Snooze Timed Out initiator starts the System_RetryInteractionTimeout handler to place the interaction in the queue to start ACD processing.

Initiator Properties Page

For more information on the relationship between the parameters on the Initiator Properties page, see Introduction to Initiators.

Notification Object Type

Interaction Object.

Object ID

Select {all}.

Notification Event

Select the event to initiate this handler.


Interaction Identifier

The unique identifier of the web interaction.

Custom Retry Data Names

A list of variable names to use for custom data.

Custom Retry Data Values

A list of values for each of the variables listed in the Custom Retry Data Names parameter.

Exit Paths


This step always takes the Start exit path.